The Gold Update New Page

Only the Spoo is at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today, and BEGOS Markets volatility is pushing toward moderate. The …

At present above their respective Neutral Zones for today are the Bond and Swiss Franc, whilst below same are Gold, Silver, Oil …

Gold is the sole BEGOS Market at present above its Neutral Zone for today, whilst below same is the Spoo; session volatility …

At present all three elements of the BEGOS Markets’ Metals Triumvirate are below today’s Neutral Zones, as too is the Spoo; none …

Both the Bond and Spoo are at present above today’s Neutral Zones, whilst Silver is below same; volume is pushing toward moderate. …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 766th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 20 July 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Another Gold Pop n’ Flop“ …

The Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold and Silver are at present all below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, …

The Euro is at present below its Neutral Zone for today, whilst above same are both Gold and the Spoo; BEGOS Markets’ …

Both Silver and the Spoo are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of he BEGOS Markets are within same, and …

‘Tis a mixed bag at present for the BEGOS Markets with the Bond, Gold and Silver above their respective Neutral Zones for …

At present we’ve the Bond, Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold and Copper all below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 765th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 13 July 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Fights the Negatives; Eyes …

As in a mirror when ’round this time yesterday when all the elements of the Metals Triumvirate were above the day’s Neutral …

Toward week’s end with much anticipated data on inflation, we’ve all three elements of the Metals Triumvirate above today’s Neutral Zones; none …

We’ve at present both Copper and Oil below their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets are outside …

Both Silver and Copper are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

“Down” describes the state of the BEGOS Markets to start the week: save for the Swiss Franc (+0.1%), the seven other components …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 764th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 06 July 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Gives Thanks as the …

The two-day BEGOS Market’s stint continues. At present we’ve the Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold and Copper above their respective Neutral Zones for …

Given the StateSide holiday, the BEGOS Markets are in a two-day session (for Friday Settle) with the Swiss Franc at present above …

The Swiss Franc is at present below its Neutral Zone for today; above same are both Silver and Copper, and BEGOS Markets’ …

The Swiss Franc is at present the only BEGOS Market outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is quite light. …

The year’s second half starts with both the Euro and Oil at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 763rd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 29 June 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Looks to Support as …

Early on in the final trading day (by months) of the year’s first half, we’ve the Bond at present below today’s Neutral …

The Euro is at present above today’s Neutral Zone, whereas the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same; volatility is notably …

At present we’ve the Bond, Euro, Swiss Franc, and Gold all below their respective Neutral Zones for today; above same is Oil, …

Gold is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light. Going ’round the …

A quiet start to the week as we move toward the mid-point of the trading year: at present, all eight BEGOS Markets …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 762nd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 22 June 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Fundamentally Seeking Grip; Technically …

Summer’s first full day begins as the week ends wherein we’ve the Euro as the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) …

The two-day session continues for the BEGOS Markets: now we’ve the Bond below today’s Neutral Zone, whilst above same are Gold, Silver …

Given the StateSide holiday, we’ve a two-day GLOBEX session in progress: at present, all eight BEGOS Markets are within their respective Neutral …

Following another record-high day for the S&P 500 (the “live” fut’s adj’d P/E now 42.1x; and by our MoneyFlow page, dough continues …

As the week commences we’ve all eight BEGOS Markets in the red; six of the eight (save for the Swiss Franc and …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 761st Edition — Monte-Carlo — 15 June 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Firms; Fed Squirms“ First …

Gold is at present the only BEGOS Market outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; still, barring a significant up day, Gold …

Following the somewhat “stubborn-to-cut-Fed” (let alone our year-to-date musings instead about a hike), the Dollar’s furthering a bit of a bid today: …

Oil is at present the sole BEGOS Market outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility “ahead of the Fed” is …

Gold, Silver and Oil are all at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are …

The back-loaded EconData week (plus the FOMC’s Policy Statement come Wednesday) at present finds the Bond, Euro and Swiss Franc below today’s …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 760th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 08 June 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Inflation’s Strain Remains Gold’s Bane“ …

At present we’ve Copper as the only BEGOS Market outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light with StateSide …

The Swiss Franc, Gold and Silver all are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below …

The Bond and Swiss Franc are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; above same is Gold, and BEGOS Markets’ …

BEGOS Markets’ volatility is lighter than ’round this time yesterday, all eight components having thus far traced less than 50% of their …

The week begins with the Bond at present above its Neutral Zone for today; below same are Oil, Silver and Gold; volatility …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 759th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 01 June 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Double-Top Primes Price Plop“ …

The BEGOS Markets are fairly quiet ahead of “Fed-favoured” inflation data due for April: both the Euro and Swiss Franc are at …

On the heels of yesterday’s declines across all eight BEGOS Markets, we’ve at present both the Bond and Swiss Franc above their …

Gold picks up +23 points of fresh premium as cac volume moves from June into that for August; however, the yellow metal …

The BEGOS Markets’ two-day session continues, all three elements of the Metals Triumvirate at present above today’s Neutral Zones, as are Oil, …

The two-day session for the BEGOS Markets is underway, (for Tuesday settlement given the StateSide holiday). The precious metals are getting the …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 758th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 25 May 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Marginal High and Habitual …

The precious metals are getting a grip, both Gold and Silver at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the other …

Following what we’d now classify as Gold’s “marginal” All-Time High on Monday (at 2454), the yellow metal has since been in sell …

At present we’ve both the Bond and Copper below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is …

All three elements of the Metals Triumvirate as well as Oil are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the …

Gold has recorded another All-Time High this morning: The Gold Update mused it could happen as soon as today, and so it …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 757th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 18 May 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Another Gold All-Time High is …

‘Tis a fairly quiet start to Friday on the heels of a heavy week of incoming metrics for the Econ Baro, itself …

Following all-time highs yesterday for both Copper and Spoo (including the S&P 500 itself), we’ve at present all eight BEGOS Markets inside …

Copper is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) today’s Neutral Zone; the red metal continues to be in play, having …

Both Silver and Copper are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and …

The week begins with Gold at present below its Neutral Zone for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 756th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 11 May 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Garners a Groovy Golden …

The Metals Triumvirate is on the move this morning as Gold, Silver and Copper are getting the bid, all at present above …

At present we’ve the Bond below its Neutral Zone for today, whilst Silver is above same; BEGOS Markets’ volatility by this hour …

Both Copper and Oil are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is again …

Both the Swiss Franc and Silver are currently below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and …

The Swiss Franc is currently below today’s Neutral Zone; above same are the Metals Triumvirate and Oil, and BEGOS Markets volatility is …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 755th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 04 May 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Own Gold with Reason into …

We’ve the Swiss Franc at present above its Neutral Zone for today; the seven other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

At present we’ve both the Bond and Spoo above today’s Neutral Zones, whilst below same is Silver; BEGOS Markets’ volatility is light. …

Save for the Swiss Franc, at present below today’s Neutral Zone, the seven other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is …

The final day of the year’s first quadrimestris finds early on all eight BEGOS Markets in the red; therein, the elements comprising …

A bit of Dollar weakness to begin “Fed Week”, the Euro and Swiss Franc (non-BEGOS Yen too) at present above today’s Neutral …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 754th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 27 April 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Falters, Treads Water“ Per …

Both the Bond and Copper currently are above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

The EuroCurrencies (Euro and Swiss Franc) are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, …

The Bond is at present below its Neutral Zone for today; above same is Copper, the cac volume for which is rolling …

All three elements of the BEGOS Markets’ Metals Triumvirate are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the other components are within same, …

The Bond, Swiss Franc, Gold, Silver and Oil are all at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; above same is …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 753rd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 20 April 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Fit to Pull Back …

At present we’ve the Bond, Swiss Franc and Oil above today’s Neutral Zones; the Spoo is below same, and volatility is robust …

Dough is finding its way into the BEGOS Markets: at present the Bond, Swiss Franc, all three components of the Metals Triumvirate …

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present within their respective Neutral Zones for today; session volatility is again light. Going ’round the …

The Swiss Franc is at present below its Neutral Zone for today; the other seven BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

The week begins with the Bond at present below its Neutral Zone; above same are the Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold, Silver and …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 752nd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 13 April 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Achieves Our Forecast High …

The Bond and the Metals Triumvirate are all at present above today’s Neutral Zones; below same are the EuroCurrencies, and BEGOS Markets’ …

Similar to this time yesterday, ahead now of StateSide wholesale inflation, all eight BEGOS Markets are within today’s Neutral Zones, and volatility …

Yesterday (09 April) Gold achieved our forecast high price for this year at 2375; as you readers of the Gold Update know, …

At present, the Bond is above its Neutral Zone whilst below same is Copper; BEGOS Markets’ volatility is light. Leading Market Rhythms …

The back-loaded EconData week is underway with the Bond, Swiss Franc, Copper and Oil all at present beneath their respective Neutral Zones …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 751st Edition — Monte-Carlo — 06 April 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold ‘Overbought’ is Great!“ We’ve …

All three elements of the BEGOS Markets’ Metals Triumvirate are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the …

Silver — for which the net gain across the past two trading days was +8.3% — is at present below today’s Neutral …

At present we’ve both Silver and Copper above today’s Neutral Zones; below same are both Oil and the Spoo, and BEGOS Markets’ …

Early on we’ve the two EuroCurrencies below today’s Neutral Zones, whilst above same is Silver; BEGOS Markets volatility is mostly light as …

The BEGOS Markets’ Metals Triumvirate are all above today’s Neutral Zones, as is the Spoo; none of the other components are below …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 750th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 30 March 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Reaps More Record Ground” …

The week’s final trading day is underway with the Euro, Swiss Franc and Silver all at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the …

Both the Swiss Franc and Oil are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; otherwise the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

The Swiss Franc, Silver and Copper are all at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the other BEGOS Markets are …

We start the shortened week with Copper at present above its Neutral Zone for today; all the other BEGOS Markets are within …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 749th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 23 March 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Fresh Highs; Fed’s Cred …

The EuroCurrencies and Metals Triumvirate are all at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets …

The Swiss Franc, Copper, Spoo and Gold are all at present above today’s Neutral Zones: the yellow metal recorded a new high …

Spring starts similarly to Winter’s final day, with (save for the Bond) all the BEGOS Markets at present in the red ahead …

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present in the red; session volatility is mostly moderate; of note, the Yen (not as yet …

Both Oil and the Spoo are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 748th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 16 March 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Expected Detinue; Fed HIKE …

The Swiss Franc at present is below today’s Neutral Zone; above same are the three elements of the Metals Triumvirate; BEGOS Markets …

Both Gold and Copper are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; above same is Oil, and BEGOS Markets volatility is pushing toward …

Copper is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light. At Market Trends, …

Gold is at present below today’s Neutral Zone whilst the Spoo is above same; BEGOS Markets volatility is light, (albeit the Yen …

The Bond and Swiss Franc are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; below same is the Spoo, and BEGOS Markets volatility is …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 747th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 09 March 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Flies to Fresh All-Time …

The Euro is at present below its Neutral Zone for today; above same is Silver, and BEGOS Markets volatility is light with …

Gold is ticking over marginal highs: presently 2164, the fresh All-Time High is now 2169. The yellow metal along with Copper are …

Gold has yet to crack its 04 December All-Time High (2153), albeit ’tis knocking on the door; again this is in the …

Gold settled yesterday at an All-Time Closing High (2123); ‘course, the All-Time High itself remains 2152. At present, the Bond is above …

The Euro, Swiss Franc and Copper are all at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 746th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 02 March 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Grabs Center-Stage as Stagflation …

The Swiss Franc and Copper are both at present below today’s Neutral Zones; above same is the Spoo, and volatility is light-to-moderate. …

We’ve reached “PCE” Day” and all eight BEGOS Markets are at present within their respective Neutral Zones for today; volatility is light; …

Red is the watchword for the BEGOS Markets, all the components to the South, save for the Bond, the cac volume for …

The components of the Metals Triumvirate are all above their Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below same, and …

Both Silver and Copper are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 745th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 24 February 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold – Short n’ Sweet“ …

At present, all eight BEGOS Markts are inside of today’s Neutral Zones, and volatility is light. Copper’s cac volume is moving from …

The EuroCurrencies, Metals Triumvirate, and Spoo are all at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; BEGOS Markets volatility is moderate-to-robust, …

Silver and Copper are at present above today’s Neutral ones; the Spoo is below same, and volatility is mostly light. By Market …

The BEGOS Market’s two-day session continues with both the Euro and Gold at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today, whilst …

‘Tis the first of a two-day session for the BEGOS Markets (given today’s StateSide holiday). At present, both the Bond and Silver …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 744th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 17 February 2024 (published each Saturday) — “More Gold Slippin’ as Inflation …

The Bond and Swiss Franc are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; above same is Copper, and volatility is …

We’ve at present both the Bond and Swiss Franc above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, …

Silver of late seems to oft be the BEGOS Markets’ sole overnight outlier: ’tis at present below its Neutral Zone for today, …

At present the Swiss Franc is below today’s Neutral Zone, whilst above same are all three elements of the Metals Triumvirate; volatility …

The BEGOS Markets start the week with Silver as the sole component at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 743rd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 10 February 2024 (published each Saturday) — “This is Where it All …

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present within their respective Neutral Zones for today; session volatility is very light. The S&P 500 …

The Spoo is now above 5000 for the first time in its history, (the S&P itself near the threshold). At present we’ve …

At present, Gold and Silver are the only BEGOS Market outside (below) today’s Neutral Zone; session volatility again is notably light. Of …

The Spoo is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is notably light, even …

The Bond and Precious Metals are starting the week to the downside; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within today’s Neutral …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 742nd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 03 February 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Gains Ground on Premium …

Quick website note: our Market Profiles page is not accurately updating; our goal is to have the issue resolved in a week’s …

The Bond, EuroCurrencies, Silver and Copper all are below today’s Neutral Zones; above same is the Spoo, and BEGOS Markets volatility is …

Ahead of the Fed, both the Euro and Swiss Franc are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS …

‘Tis quiet across the BEGOS Markets’ landscape, all eight components at present within their respective Neutral Zones for today; volatility is mostly …

Firmer to start the week are the Swiss Franc, Gold and Silver, whilst weaker is Copper; BEGOS Markets volatility is mostly moderate. …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 741st Edition — Monte-Carlo — 27 January 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Looks to Languish Lower“ …

The Euro, Copper and the Spoo are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets …

With the first peek at Q4 GDP in the balance, (estimated to be at best half that of Q3), the BEGOS Markets …

We’ve strength early on in the EuroCurrencies, Silver, Copper and the Spoo; none of the other Markets are below today’s Neutral Zones, …

Dollar weakness is translating this morning into strength for the BEGOS Markets: save for the Bond, the other seven components are higher, …

Strength in the Spoo at the moment would have the “live” P/E of the S&P leap to 50.4x at the open, (after …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 740th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 20 January 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold from Time Biding to …

As was the case yesterday at this time, all eight BEGOS Markets are presently within their respective Neutral Zones for today, and …

The BEGOS Markets are at present quiet with all eight components inside today’s Neutral Zones; volatility is light. At Market Trends, the …

Whilst yesterday’s S&P Moneyflow was actually positive (+0.9%), the Index itself fell -0.4%, but by our broadest measure (quarterly) the Flow still …

Into the second day of the BEGOS Markets’ two-day session we’ve now the Bond, EuroCurrencies and Spoo all to the weak side; …

Given the StateSide holiday, the BEGOS Markets are into a two-day session (for Tuesday settlement). At present we’ve the Bond below its …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 739th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 13 January 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Biding Time; Bitcoin Prime …

The Metals Triumvirate and Oil are the BEGOS Markets’ winners at present; the other components are within today’s Neutral Zones, and volatility …

Early on we’ve strength in the Bond, the Metals Triumvirate and the Spoo; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below their …

The BEGOS Markets are at present quiet, all eight components within their respective Neutral Zones for today; volatility is light across the …

The precious metals are rebounding this morning, both Gold and Silver at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are …

The precious metals and Oil are weak this morning; BEGOS Markets volatility is pushing toward moderate as the year’s first full trading …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 738th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 06 January 2024 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Stumbles into New Year …

We’ve weakness this morning in the Bond and EuroCurrencies; the other BEGOS Markets are at present within today’s Neutral Zones, and volatility …

The BEGOS Markets are quiet, at present all eight components within their respective Neutral Zones for today; obviously, volatility is light. Despite …

At present we’ve weakness in the Bond and Copper, and strength in the Euro; BEGOS Markets volatility is light. As tweeted [@deMeadvillePro], …

Early on the New Year we’ve weakness in the Bond and EuroCurrencies, and strength in Gold, Silver, Oil and the Spoo. The …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 737th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 30 December 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold – We Conservatively Forecast …

Early on in the year’s final session we’ve at present the Swiss Franc, Gold and Copper above their respective Neutral Zones for …

The EuroCurrencies and Gold are at present above today’s Neutral Zones, whilst the Bond is below same; BEGOS Markets volatility is mostly …

Both the Bond and Copper are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets all are within same, and volatility …

Into the shortened trading week we go with Gold at present above its Neutral Zone, as too are Silver, Copper and the …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 736th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 23 December 2023 (published each Saturday) — “A Great Gift for Gold …

Oil is the only BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light. By Market Trends, …

Apologies, we just noted that this morning’s post obviously didn’t “make the trip”. The thrust therein was the S&P 500 yesterday giving …

Both the Bond and Copper are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; below same is the Euro, and volatility is quite light, …

At present we’ve the Bond, Euro and Copper above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility remains …

Both the Euro and Spoo are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 735th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 16 December 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Upside Fruition; Stocks’ Suicide …

The Euro is at present below today’s Neutral Zone whilst above same are both Copper and the Spoo; BEGOS Markets volatility is …

The Bond, Copper and Spoo are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is …

The Bond at present is above today’s Neutral Zone; both Copper and Oil are below same, and BEGOS Markets volatility is again …

We’ve strength this morning in the Bond and EuroCurrencies, with session volatility notably light, save for the Swiss Franc having already traced …

Save for Oil (+0.6% at 71.67), the other seven BEGOS Markets are all at present in the red; session volatility is light. …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 734th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 09 December 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold-Record’s Calamity; Stocks’ Stark Misfortune-to-Be“ …

‘Tis StateSide November Payrolls day for the Econ Baro, and at present seven of the eight BEGOS Markets are within their Neutral …

The Bond is at present below its Neutral Zone for today, whilst above same is Copper; BEGOS Markets volatility is again mostly …

Gold, Copper and the Spoo are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is …

After achieving an All-Time High yesterday at 2152, Gold’s subsequent -113 intraday points drop ranks 5th-worst century-to-date; however the -5.3% drop ranks …

After setting an All-Time High on Friday (to 2096, settle 2092), Gold spiked overnight some +50 points, only to since return below …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 733rd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 02 December 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold:  Finally!“ If you caught …

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present within their respective Neutral Zones for today, and volatility is light. Gold appears rather hesitant …

At present, just Copper is the only BEGOS Market outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; volatility again is light-to-moderate. As tweeted …

The Bond is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone; session volatility is light-to-moderate. After flipping from Long-to-Short, …

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present within their respective Neutral Zones for today; session volatility is light. Gold’s cac volume is …

Both Gold and Silver are at present above today’s Neutral Zones: the white metal, (which has been lagging Gold’s performance), has provisionally …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 732nd Edition — Cortona — 25 November 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Basking Under Gold“ Greetings from …

The second day of the otherwise abbreviated trading session finds the Bond at present below its Neutral Zone; the rest of the …

Just brief and early this morning, (our going into motion across the next few days): only Copper is at present outside (below) …

The Bond, Swiss Franc, Gold and Silver are all at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the other BEGOS Markets …

The abbreviated trading week gets going with the Swiss Franc and Oil at present above today’s Neutral Zone; below same is the …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 731st Edition — Monte-Carlo — 18 November 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Pops as Inflation Stops …

‘Twould appear to be a quiet Friday in the making: all eight BEGOS Markets are at present within their respective Neutral Zones, …

Both the Bond and Gold are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the rest of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and …

October’s CPI indeed was “center stage” (per yesterday’s comment), the headline retail level coming in “unch”. In turn the Dollar dove and …

The Bond is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is very light, the …

Both Silver and Oil are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; above same is Copper, and BEGOS Markets volatility is pushing toward …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 730th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 11 November 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Bang-On-Time Dive“ Let’s open …

The Bond is at present above its Neutral Zone for today; the Swiss Franc is below same, and BEGOS Markets volatility is …

Copper is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light, save for Copper …

The Bond and EuroCurrencies are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

All eight BEGOS Markets are in the red and all at present (save for the Bond) are below their respective Neutral Zones …

The BEGOS Markets’ volatility is light-to-moderate as the new week unfolds. At present, Copper is above its Neutral Zone for today, whilst …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 729th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 04 November 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Post-Geopolitical Pullback“ From our …

Silver is the only BEGOS Market at present outside (below) today’s Neutral Zone; session volatility is light with October’s Payrolls data in …

Post-Fed the EuroCurrencies are getting a bid, both the Euro and Swiss Franc at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today, …

As Mid-East headlines fall a bit from above the fold, so too falling are the precious metals’ prices: both Gold and Silver …

The Bond is at present above its Neutral Zone for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

The “textbook oversold” S&P 500 looks to get a boost at the open, the Spoo at present above today’s Neutral Zone; below …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 728th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 28 October 2023 (published each Saturday) — “S&P Squirms; Gold Firms“ Welcome …

The Bond is at present below its Neutral Zone for today, whilst above same are Copper, Oil and the Spoo; BEGOS Market’s …

At present we’ve the Metals Triumvirate higher and the EuroCurrencies lower. Notably for the second straight session (to this point), both Gold …

At present, all eight BEGOS Markets are within their respective Neutral Zones for today, and volatility is at best light. In looking …

The Bond, Gold and Copper are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and …

Save for the Spoo, the other seven BEGOS Markets are in the red, all at present below their respective Neutral Zones for …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 727th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 21 October 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold:  Range-Bound?  Or Moon-Bound?“ Across …

Per our tweet (@deMeadvillePro) last evening, “Flow leads dough…” as is now being depicted on the MoneyFlow page for the S&P 500; …

Narrow ranges thus far characterize the BEGOS Markets: only the Bond is at present outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today, and …

The Metals Triumvirate and Oil are the BEGOS Markets’ leaders thus far, those four all at present above today’s Neutral Zones; below …

‘Tis red across the board for the BEGOS Markets, notably with the Bond, Euro, Gold, Copper and Oil all at present below …

We begin the week with both the Euro and Copper at present above today’s Neutral Zones; below same are the Bond, Gold …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 726th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 14 October 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Awakening to Gold“ Now before …

The Bond, Gold and Silver are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and …

Money is moving into the BEGOS Markets this morning: at present, the Bond, Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold, Silver and Copper all are …

Copper is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone; session volatility is light. As tweeted (@deMeadvillePro) last night, …

A whirl ’round day yesterday for the S&P, arguably getting a safe-haven bid given events in the Middle East; as well the …

Expectedly, given the incursion in the Middle East, Gold gapped notably higher at last night’s open and the Spoo notably lower. The …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 725th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 07 October 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Further Tanks; to the …

The Eurocurrencies are the weak link thus far with both the Euro and Swiss Franc below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of …

With EDTRS (see Market Ranges) having ramped up of late, the BEGOS Markets are notably subdued this morning, all eight components at …

Red returns to the BEGOS Markets this morning for all eight components, only three of which are not at present below their …

The gutting of Gold (1839) continues, the Dollar Index approaching its 107 handle, a level not seen since November 2021. However, Gold …

The BEGOS Markets begin October on a mixed note. At present, we’ve the Bond, Gold and Silver below today’s Neutral Zones, whilst …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 724th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 30 September 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Guillotiné !“ We start …

Following its fourth-consecutive down day, Gold is at present above its Neutral Zone as are Silver, Copper, the Euro and Swiss Franc; …

Gold’s weekly parabolic trend has provisionally flipped from Long to Short, (as tweeted [@deMeadvillePro] last evening); more on this outlying exception in …

The BEGOS Markets are at present mixed: both the Swiss Franc and Gold are below their Neutral Zones, whilst above same are …

Red is the watchword for the BEGOS Markets, all of which at present are below their respective Neutral Zones for today. Session …

The Bond begins its week on a down note, at present trading below today’s Neutral Zone; the balance of the BEGOS Markets …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 723rd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 23 September 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold – The Torture Continues“ …

Our Metals Triumvirate, Oil and the Spoo are all at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other …

Post-Fed we’ve Oil as the sole BEGOS Market at present below today’s Neutral Zone; the balance of the bunch are within same, …

Oil is trading below 90 (89.65) for the first time this week: it is the only BEGOS Market at present outside of …

Gold and Copper are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is again light. …

The Swiss Franc, Metals Triumvirate and Oil are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 722nd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 16 September 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold – Fundamentally Fabulous, Technically …

Contrary to this time yesterday, the precious metals are getting a deserved boost with both Gold and Silver at present above today’s …

The precious metals continue to weaken, albeit their relatively fresh weekly parabolic trends remain Long: Silver at present is below today’s Neutral …

Both Gold and Silver are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the precious metals have been struggling these past two weeks, even …

At present, the Euro is the only BEGOS Market outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is mostly light. As …

The BEGOS Markets begin the week with a “boom”: at present, six of the eight components are above their respective Neutral Zones …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 721st Edition — Monte-Carlo — 09 September 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s All-Time High Drive Departs …

A slightly weaker Dollar is giving the EuroCurrencies and Precious Metals a bid this morning, with the Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold and …

At present, all eight BEGOS Markets are again within today’s respective Neutral Zones, and volatility is, in turn, light. Our “live” P/E …

Quiet is the state of the BEGOS Markets at present: all eight components are within today’s Neutral Zones, and volatility is light. …

The second of the two-day session finds all eight BEGOS Markets in the red, and all (save for the Euro) at present …

We start the week with a safe-haven BEGOS Markets’ bid: at present both the Swiss Franc and Gold are above their respective …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 720th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 02 September 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold and Silver Finally Flip!  …

September starts with Copper the sole BEGOS Market at present above its Neutral Zone for today; the balance of the bunch are …

We close out August with the Fed’s favoured inflation gauge: Core PCE for July; expectations are for +0.2% for the month, (however …

The Bond, Silver and Copper are all at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets …

At present ’tis but the Bond which is outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; overall BEGOS Markets’ volatility is light. We’ve …

A fairly quiet start to the week for the BEGOS Markets; at present, only the Euro is outside (above) its Neutral Zone …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 719th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 26 August 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Grips a Bit, but …

We’ve the Euro at present below its Neutral Zone for today, whilst above same is Oil; otherwise, BEGOS Markets’ volatility is mostly …

‘Tis the metals in play thus far today, Gold at present above its Neutral Zone, whilst Silver and Copper are below same; …

The Bond, Metals Triumvirate and Spoo all are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS …

The Euro is the only BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light. As was …

The Bond starts its week at present below the Neutral Zone, whilst above same is that for Oil; volatility remains light-to moderate …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 718th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 19 August 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Bottom-Seeking Descent; BRICS Seeming …

The Bond is at present above today’s Neutral Zone; the Swiss Franc is below same, and volatility is again light-to-moderate for the …

The Bond is at present below its Neutral Zone for today; both Silver and Copper are above same, and volatility is light-to-moderate. …

Outside at present of their Neutral Zones for today are both the Bond (above) and Oil (below); the balance of the BEGOS …

Following a below-average volume day for the BEGOS Markets, quiet thus far today is again the watchword, (albeit a lot of EconData …

Copper and Oil commence the week at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 717th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 12 August 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Ain’t Just Gold Been Headin’ …

Early on we’ve all eight BEGOS Markets at present within today’s Neutral Zones; volatility is very light. By Market Trends, every component …

The Spoo is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its respective Neutral Zone for today; however by Market Trends, the …

Both Copper and the Spoo are at present above their Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below …

The Bond is at present above its Neutral Zone for today; below same are Copper, Oil and the Spoo; volatility is again …

The Spoo is the sole BEGOS Market at present above its Neutral Zone for today; below same are the Bond, Euro, Swiss …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 716th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 05 August 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold is Always AAA; the …

Silver is at present below today’s Neutral Zone; above same is the Spoo, and volatility is mostly light. By Market Rhythms, on …

The Bond, Swiss Franc, Silver, Oil, Spoo are all at present below their Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS …

The Spoo gapped -18 points lower in concert with Fitch downgrading (as they’d been anticipating to do) the StateSide credit rating from …

Each component of the BEGOS Markets’ metals’ triumvirate is at present below its respective Neutral Zone for today; the balance of the …

Save for the Euro and Swiss Franc, the balance of the BEGOS Markets are in the red, the Bond and Gold both …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 715th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 29 July 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Behaving; Stocks Still Raving!“ …

Both the Bond and the Swiss Franc are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today, whilst above same are both …

The Bond, Oil and the Spoo are at present all above today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below …

Ahead of the Fed, both the Swiss Franc and Gold are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; below same …

Our two Euro Currencies plus the metals triumvirate are above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, …

Whilst none of the BEGOS Markets are at present outside of their respective Neutral Zones for today, the overall tilt is negative, …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 714th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 22 July 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Push Hits Stop; Fed Preps …

Both Copper and Oil are above their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below same, and …

Copper is the only BEGOS Market at present above its Neutral Zone for today; below same are both the Bond and Spoo, …

Both the Bond and Spoo are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and …

With the S&P 500 having just completed its 30th consecutive trading day as “textbook overbought”, today finds at present the Bond, Euro, …

‘Tis a mixed start to the week for the BEGOS Markets. At present, the Swiss Franc is above its Neutral Zone for …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 713th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 15 July 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Garners Glow; Stocks Go …

‘Tis looking lower early on for the BEGOS Markets: the Bond, Euro, Gold, Silver, Copper and Oil are all below their respective …

Following an unusual session wherein 7 of the 8 BEGOS Markets (save for Oil) achieved their “high if an up day”, thus …

The Bond and Swiss Franc are at present above their respective neutral Zones for today. None of the other BEGOS Markets are …

A firm Tuesday start for the BEGOS Markets, all eight components in the black, and save for Oil and the Spoo, all …

The BEGOS Markets begin the week on a downbeat with the Swiss Franc, Copper and the Spoo all at present below today’s …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 712th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 08 July 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Downtrend Duly Dissed?  Stocks’ …

Following yesterday’s significant leap in ADP’s Employment level, the BEGOS Markets are quiet, all eight components at present within their respective Neutral …

The Spoo is the only BEGOS Market at present outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; volatility is again light-to-moderate; of note, …

The BEGOS Markets’ two-day session continues, volatility now light-to-moderate. The following components are at present below their session’s Neutral Zones: the Euro, …

Given the StateSide holiday, today begins a BEGOS Markets’ two-day session for Wednesday settlement. At present, Gold is the sole component outside …

The EuroCurrencies are the BEGOS Markets’ weak links to start the week, both the Euro itself and Swiss Franc at present below …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 711th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 01 July 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Happy Mid-Year Finds Gold Up …

At present Copper is the only BEGOS Market outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light, again save for …

The Bond, Euro and Swiss Franc all are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within …

The Euro at present is the sole BEGOS Market outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light. Along with …

The Euro, Silver and Copper are at present above today’s Neutral Zones, the latter’s cac volume having moved from July into September, …

The Bond, Swiss Franc, Gold and Silver are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 710th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 24 June 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Sinks in Sync with …

The Bond is at present above its Neutral Zone for today; below same are the Euro, Swiss Franc, Copper, Oil and the …

Silver is again (per this time of day) below its Neutral Zone, as is the Spoo; none of the other BEGOS Markets …

Only Silver is at present trading below its Neutral Zone for today; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is …

The two-day session for the BEGOS Markets continues with all eight components in the red, including at present both the Swiss Franc …

Silver is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is expectedly light given StateSide …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 709th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 17 June 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Fed Doing Cruise Control; Gold Doing …

The Bond is at present below its Neutral Zone for today; Copper is above same, and BEGOS Markets’ volatility is light, (albeit …

We were wrong in anticipating the FOMC would vote to raise their bank’s FundsRate another 0.25%, albeit ’tis said more increases are …

‘Tis Fed Day, the consensus now overwhelming for a “pause” even as the Fed’s favoured inflation gauge (Core PCE as reported 26 …

The Euro, Swiss Franc, Silver and Copper are all at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other …

The week starts with the contract volume for the Spoo rolling from June into September: there is +44 points of fresh premium …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 708th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 10 June 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Sees Short Squeeze?  S&P’s …

Silver and Copper are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; all of the other BEGOS Markets are within same, …

Similar to yesterday ’round this time, Silver is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (this time above) today’s Neutral Zone; volatility …

Silver is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is mostly light. The precious …

Silver, Copper and Oil are all at present below today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are above same, and …

The week starts with most of the BEGOS Markets in the red, notably the Bond, Euro, Swiss Franc, Silver and Copper all …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 707th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 03 June 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Gets the Grip n’ …

The Swiss Franc, Copper and Oil are all above today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below same, and …

Thus far we’ve little change in the S&P Futs even as the U.S. House passes the debt default deal, the Spoo at …

Both the Bond and Silver are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; below same are the Euro, Swiss Franc …

The BEGOS Markets’ two-day session continues, finding Gold (not surprisingly) below its Neutral Zone for today, as are Silver, Copper and the …

The BEGOS Markets are into a two-day trading session (Tuesday settlement) as StateSide ’tis Memorial Day, and on this side of The …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 706th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 27 May 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold:  Our Near-Term Downside Target …

The metals triumvirate are above their Neutral Zones at present; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is light-to-moderate. Gold’s …

The Euro and Swiss Franc are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is …

Silver and Copper are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, …

The Swiss Franc plus all three components of the metals’ triumvirate are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other …

The BEGOS Markets begin the week with weakness in both Copper and Oil, the two components at present below their respective Neutral …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 705th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 20 May 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold’s Nigh High Goes Awry …

Following yesterday’s fallout across all of the BEGOS Markets — except for the Spoo — we’ve at present the Swiss Franc, Gold, …

Silver is the only BEGOS Market at present outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is again light. The Spoo …

Copper is at present the sole BEGOS Market outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; otherwise, session volatility is light. Based on …

The precious metals’ recent weakness is continuing this morning, with both Gold and Silver at present below their respective Neutral Zones for …

The Euro, Swiss Franc, Copper and the Spoo are at present above their Neutral Zones for today to start the week for …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 704th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 13 May 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Comes a Bit Undone, …

Oil is the BEGOS Markets’ weak link this morning, at present below its Neutral Zone for today; the balance of the bunch …

The Euro, Swiss Franc, Silver and Copper are all at present below today’s Neutral Zones; above same is the Bond, and BEGOS …

At present we’ve both Copper and Oil below their respective Neutral Zones for today, whilst above same is the Bond; BEGOS Markets’ …

Copper is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (below) today’s Neutral Zone; otherwise, volatility is again mostly light. Of note for …

The Euro, Swiss Franc, Copper and Oil all are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 703rd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 06 May 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Nears Record Threshold … …

Both the Euro and Oil are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; below same is the Swiss Franc, and BEGOS Markets’ volatility …

Following the anticipated FOMC’s +25bp FedFunds increase, Gold made a significant gain at this session’s open up to 2085 on a very …

New bank struggles boffed the S&P by -1.2% yesterday; however at present, the Spoo is marginally higher, plus the Bond, Euro and …

With the StateSide debt ceiling coming to a head, we’ve the Bond and Spoo at present above their respective Neutral Zones for …

The Bond begins the week at present below its Neutral Zone for today, as do Gold, Copper and Oil; the balance of …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 702st Edition — Monte-Carlo — 29 April 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold Our Best Vertex; S&P Train …

Following yesterday’s relief rally, the Spoo at present is below its Neutral Zone for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are …

Gold and Silver remain resilient even in the face of weakening near-term technicals (as previously cited); both precious metals are at present …

We’ve the Euro, Swiss Franc, Copper and Oil all at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 701st Edition — Monte-Carlo — 22 April 2023 (published each Saturday) — “A Time to Add to One’s Gold …

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 700th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 15 April 2023 (published each Saturday) — “Gold:  The Next All-Time High is …

Both the Bond and Gold are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; below same are Copper and the Spoo, and BEGOS Markets’ …

The Bond begins the week at present above today’s Neutral Zone; Silver, Oil and the Spoo are below same, and BEGOS Markets’ …

Except for the Bond and the Spoo, the six other BEGOS Markets are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; …

Both the Bond and Swiss Franc are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; below same is Oil, and session volatility is light. …

At present, save for the Euro and Spoo, all the other BEGOS Markets are below their respective Neutral Zones for today; volatility …

As we write we’ve the Euro, Swiss Franc and Gold above their respective Neutral Zones for today, whilst below same is Oil; …

Gold opens the week at present above its Neutral Zone for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and …

The BEGOS Markets are quiet ahead of a barrage of Econ Data with eight metrics due, including April’s UofM Sentiment Survey, March’s …

We have largely recovered from the aforementioned hardware IT issue such that the website’s analytics are basically up to date. At present …

Apologies as we’ve no material comment for today. We are dealing with a material (however resolvable) hardware IT issue. Note therefore, too, …

Money on balance is flowing early on into the BEGOS Markets: The Euro, Swiss Franc, Copper and Oil all are at present …

Following the abbreviated week, (and ’tis still a holiday on this side of the pond), the BEGOS Markets are in full session: …

We’ve an abbreviated session today: Only the Bond, Euro, Swiss Franc and Spoo are trading, the former three until 15:15 GMT and …

Similar to the case at this time yesterday, Copper is the only BEGOS Markets at present outside (this time above) today’s Neutral …

Copper is the only BEGOS Markets at present outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is very light with respect …

Post-OPEC+ Oil has been able to sustain yesterday’s gap-up gain; price at present is above today’s Neutral Zone, whilst all the other …

OPEC+’s significant production cut announcement gapped Oil up at the open by +5.8%, indeed thus far by as much as +7.9%, (presently …

As Q1 comes to a close, we’ve the Euro, Swiss Franc and Copper all trading at present below their respective Neutral Zones …

The BEGOS Markets remain fairly subdued this morning with volatility continuing at a light pace. Still, the S&P’s firm up session yesterday …

Gold – the cac volume for which is rolling from April into June – is the sole BEGOS Market at present below …

Following a fairly inactive day for equities, we ‘ve at present the Euro above its Neutral Zone for today, whilst the Swiss …

The Swiss Franc is at present above its Neutral Zone for today, whilst below same are both Gold and Silver; and volatility …

Both the Bond and Silver are at present above their Neutral Zones for today; below same are both the Euro and Swiss …

The S&P 500, after responding positively to yesterday’s anticipated +25bp FedFunds rate increase, was then significantly turned back negatively upon the Treasury’s …

Ahead of the Fed, the BEGOS are expectantly quiet, all eight components at present within today’s Neutral Zones; volatility clearly is light. …

Given all the hand-wringing (and legitimately so) over banking illiquidity, ’tis curious to note the S&P 500 is trading ’round where it …

With UBS acquiring CS we’ve both the Bond and Gold at present above today’s Neutral Zones; below same are Oil and the …

Save for the Bond and Spoo, the other six BEGOS Markets all are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; …

The Euro and Swiss Franc both are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, …

We’ve the Swiss Franc, Gold and Copper all at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; none are above same, and …

The S&P 500 avoided mainstream expectations for a “Monday Massacre”, the Index finishing lower by an insignificant -0.2%; but ’twas certainly rangy, …

As the Fed rides in on its white horse to scoop up Silicon Valley Bank’s depositors, the BEGOS Markets are firmly rallying …

Following yesterday’s bank-induced selloff, the Spoo is down further, now below its Neutral Zone for today as are Copper and Oil; above …

The relatively quiet morning trading continues, at present Copper being the only BEGOS Market outside (below) today’s Neutral Zone; volatility is again …

Save for the Bond (and the Dollar), the BEGOS Markets sold off rather substantially yesterday as the Fed looks to keep pressure …

‘Tis again a quiet start for the BEGOS Markets: Only Copper at present is outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today, and …

The Swiss Franc is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is beginning the …

In reversal from this time yesterday, all eight BEGOS Markets are higher, with two (Oil and the Spoo) not at present above …

All eight BEGOS Markets are in the red, and six at present (save for Gold and Oil) are below their respective Neutral …

The Bond is at present below today’s Neutral zone, whilst above same are the Euro, Swiss Franc, Copper and Oil; volatility already …

Following a rather “failed rally” yesterday for equities (the S&P having been +1.2% intraday only to finish +0.3%) we’ve the Spoo working …

“Quiet” is the word best describing the beginning of the week for the BEGOS Markets, all eight components at present inside of …

The Swiss Franc and Silver are at present below today’s Neutral Zones, whilst Oil is above same; BEGOS Markets’ volatility continues light …

‘Tis fairly quiet across the BEGOS Markets with only Copper outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; volatility is again light. At …

Yesterday’s early leaders are today’s early losers, both Copper and Oil at present below their respective Neutral Zones; the balance of the …

The BEGOS Markets’ two-day session continues with only Copper and Oil at present above their Neutral Zones; notably below same are the …

Given the StateSide holiday we’ve a two-day session for the BEGOS Markets, beginning the week with Oil at present above its Neutral …

All eight BEGOS Markets are in the red, seven of them (save for Oil) at present below their respective neutral zones for …

Both Copper and Oil are at present above their Neutral Zones for today; the rest of the BEGOS Markets are within same, …

We’ve at present the Euro, Gold, Silver, Copper and Oil all below their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other …

Only the Bond is at present outside (above) today’s Neutral Zone; the other BEGOS Markets are relatively quiet, and volatility is notably …

Oil is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light. The Gold Update …

Gold and Silver are the only BEGOS Markets at present outside (above) today’s Neutral Zones; session volatility is moderate. The Spoo is …

Both Copper and the Spoo are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets are …

FedChairPowell’s address yesterday put the S&P into a highly whipsaw mode, albeit the Spoo at present early on is “unch”; the three …

‘Tis all quiet for the BEGOS Markets upon this marginally earlier post: all eight components are at present within their respective Neutral …

The week begins with both Gold and Copper at present above their Neutral Zones for today, whilst the Bond and Spoo are …

StateSide ’tis Payrolls day for January. Save for the Euro which is at present below its Neutral Zone for today, the other …

Following the anticipated +0.25% FOMC interest rate raise, the BEGOS Markets are relatively quiet with only Copper at present outside (below) its …

Copper is trading at present below its Neutral Zone for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

The Euro and all the components of the metals triumvirate are at present below their Neutral Zones for today; none of the …

The Bond, Copper and the Spoo all are at present below their Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets …

We were a bit surprised to see the first read on Q4 GDP come in as well as it did at +2.9%, …

The Spoo is the sole BEGOS Market at present above its Neutral Zone for today, all the other components are within same, …

Both Gold and the Spoo are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and …

Gold is the sole BEGOS Market at present not inside, (indeed above), its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light. As …

The week begins with Gold the only weak link, price at present below its Neutral Zone for today; all of the other …

The Euro and Silver are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within …

Yesterday the Econ Baro tied for its worst single-day drop in its 25-year history, the data marked (at least for the present) …

Although not yet an official BEGOS Markets’ component, the Yen is taking a fairly severe hit this morning, the BOJ standing pat …

The two-day session continues, now finding the Swiss Franc as the sole BEGOS Market at present above its Neutral Zone; below same …

StateSide physical bourses are closed for the holiday; the BEGOS Markets are up and running via GLOBEX in this two-day session for …

Following yesterday’s vibrant post-CPI (-0.1%) trading, only Gold is at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today, and volatility is mostly …

At present the Bond, Gold and Silver are above their Neutral Zones for today; Copper is below same, and BEGOS Markets’ volatility …

The Bond and the BEGOS Markets’ Metals Triumvirate are at present above their Neutral Zones for today; none of the other components …

Both Silver and Oil are at present below their Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets are above same, …

Starting the week at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today are the Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold, Copper and Oil; the …

Gold and Silver are the two BEGOS Markets at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the bunch are within same, …

The Bond, Gold and Silver all are trading at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS …

Six of the eight BEGOS Markets are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; only the Spoo is inside of …

The Spoo has spurted higher to start the year and is above its Neutral Zone for today as are the Bond, Gold …

As was the case a week ago, the BEGOS Markets take their New Year holiday today, with trading commencing 2023 tonight at …

All eight BEGOS Markets begin the final trading day of the year at present within today’s Neutral Zones; volatility is mostly light. …

The Bond and Swiss Franc are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; Oil is below same, and volatility is again light. At …

Both Gold and Oil are trading below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are at present within same, and volatility is …

The BEGOS Markets begin the week on a positive note, the Euro, Gold, Silver Copper and the Spoo at present above their …

Briefly as the BEGOS Markets are closed until they commence their new week tonight at 23:00 GMT, we point to our MoneyFlow …

The members of the BEGOS Markets’ metals triumvirate are all at present above today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other components are …

Both the Bond and Euro are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are …

Both Gold and Silver are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within …

Whilst not an officially BEGOS Market, the Yen is on the move, +3.4% as the Bank of Japan doubles the width of …

The busy StateSide Econ Data week begins with the Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold, Silver, Copper and Spoo all at present above their …

The Econ Baro recorded a fairly negative day yesterday on a bevy of weakening metrics (as we’ll outline in tomorrow’s edition of …

Down is the watchword into a busy Econ Data Thursday: save for the Bond and Oil which are just marginally down, the …

Ahead of the FOMC’s final Policy Statement and Powell Presser for 2022 — and following yesterday’s rampant volatility — all eight BEGOS …

Both Gold and Copper are at present trading above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, …

The Bond begins the BEGOS Markets’ week as the sole component trading at present above its Neutral Zone for today; below same …

The Swiss Franc, Copper and the Spoo are trading at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are …

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present within their respective Neutral Zones for today, and volatility is light. By our Market Values …

Copper is the sole BEGOS Market at present trading outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is mostly light. Oil’s …

As ‘round this time yesterday, all eight BEGOS Markets again are at present within today’s Neutral Zones; volatility is light.  Oil made …

All eight BEGOS Markets at present are within their respective Neutral Zones in beginning the week; volatility is light-to-moderate. Oil’s “Baby Blues” …

Early on as the Econ Baro awaits StateSide Payrolls data for November, we’ve not surprisingly all eight BEGOS Markets at present within …

Following yesterday’s FedSpeak-driven rallies, the BEGOS Markets begin December with moderate volatility early on; the Swiss Franc and Gold are at present …

Gold is the only BEGOS Market at present trading outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is notably light. By …

‘Tis an up session thus far across all eight BEGOS Markets, with Gold, Silver, Copper, Oil and the Spoo all at present …

The week begins with the Bond at present above its Neutral Zone; below same are Silver, Copper, Oil and the Spoo; BEGOS …

The two-day session continues with both the Swiss Franc and Silver at present below their Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS …

StateSide ’tis Thanksgiving: thus we’ve a two-day “Friday” session underway for the BEGOS Markets with a five-hour trading halt today (Thursday) at …

The Euro is the sole BEGOS Market trading at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; volatility is again mostly light …

Gold, Silver and Oil are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within …

The BEGOS Markets begin a somewhat abbreviated trading week (StateSide Thanksgiving) with all but the Bond to the downside; volatility is light-to-moderate. …

Silver is the sole BEGOS Market trading at present above its Neutral Zone for today; ’tis a bit ironic as Silver’s daily …

At present, all eight BEGOS Markets are priced within their respective Neutral Zones for today; volatility is light-to-moderate. Gold’s 6-hour Parabolics confirmed …

The Euro is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; the other components are within same, …

A late post today as our host was in a “States overnight” server move. October’s wholesale inflation has come in at the …

Lower is the watchword for the BEGOS Markets, all eight at present in negative territory to begin the week, the Dollar in …

Yesterday’s net points gain (+208) in the S&P 500 was its third largest in history, and by percentage net gain (+5.5%) its …

At present all eight BEGOS Markets are within their respective Neutral Zones for today, and volatility is again light. Hesitancy may be …

StateSide elections remain undecided in various cases such that there’s been very little overnight movement in the Spoo, indeed in any of …

Both the Swiss Franc and Gold are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the other BEGOS Markets are within …

On the heels of Friday’s notable gains, the entire BEGOS Markets’ complex begins the week in the red with all but the …

The Bond, Euro and Spoo all are trading at present within their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS …

The Bond, Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold and Copper all are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within …

Unlike ’round this hour yesterday, seven of the eight BEGOS Markets are at present inside of today’s Neutral Zones, the sole exception …

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present trading above their respective Neutral Zones for today, (thus obviously the Dollar is down); volatility …

The Euro, Swiss Franc, Silver, Copper and Oil are all at present below their respectful Neutral Zones for today; the balance of …

The metals triumvirate and Oil are at present trading below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility …

Today is long-anticipated StateSide Q3 GDP Day: by the rising Econ Baro during the Q3 metrics period, we anticipate REAL GDP to …

The Bond, Gold, Silver and Copper all are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS …

The Bond is the sole BEGOS Market trading at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; the balance of the components …

The BEGOS Markets begin the week finding the Bond at present above its Neutral Zone for today; below same is Oil, and …

The Bond, Swiss Franc, Gold, Silver and Oil all are trading at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are …

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present inside their respective Neutral Zones for today; volatility is light. Per our Market Rhythms page, …

No one BEGOS Market is at present trading above its respective Neutral Zone for today; below same are the Bond, Euro, Swiss …

18 Oct ’22, 09:25 Central Euro Time:

Both Silver and the Spoo are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is …

17 Oct ’22, 09:22 Central Euro Time:

“Bounce” is the watchword for the BEGOS Markets in beginning their week: at present, all eight are to the upside, seven of …

14 Oct ’22, 09:33 Central Euro Time:

Only the Swiss Franc is trading at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, …

13 Oct ’22, 09:15 Central Euro Time:

The Bond is the only BEGOS Market trading at present outside of (below) its Neutral Range; volatility is light ahead of retail …

12 Oct ’22, 09:49 Central Euro Time:

At present, all eight BEGOS Markets are within their respective Neutral Zones for today, and volatility is again light-to-moderate.  The S&P 500 …

11 Oct ’22, 09:27 Central Euro Time:

Silver, Copper, Oil and the Spoo all are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS …

10 Oct ’22, 09:18 Central Euro Time:

Gold, Silver and Oil are at present trading below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are …

As is not unusual for StateSide Payrolls day, all eight BEGOS Markets are trading at present within their Neutral Zones, and volatility …

The Swiss Franc, Gold and Copper are at present all above today’s respective Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are …

Copper is the sole BEGOS Market at present above its Neutral Zone for today; below same are the Swiss Franc and Silver, …

Yesterday’s rally for the BEGOS Markets is continuing thus far, with every component higher and (save for the Bond) trading about above …

Q4 commences for the BEGOS Markets with the Bond, Silver and Oil all at present trading above their respective Neutral Zones for …

30 Sep ’22, 09:22 Central Euro Time:

The final day of Q3 commences with the Bond, Gold and Silver all at present above their Neutral Zones for today; none …

29 Sep ’22, 09:42 Central Euro Time:

Back on the skids are the BEGOS Markets, all eight at present trading below their respective Neutral Zones for today; volatility is …

28 Sep ’22, 09:16 Central Euro Time:

Yesterday’s failed S&P relief rally looks lower still at this point, the Spoo suggesting a – 0.7% drop were the S&P to …

27 Sep ’22, 09:30 Central Euro Time:

In a complete role reversal, all eight BEGOS Markets are higher, indeed all at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today. …

26 Sep ’22, 09:25 Central Euro Time:

The selling continues as all eight BEGOS Markets start the week in red; however only mildly down at present (within their Neutral …

23 Sep ’22, 09:32 Central Euro Time:

Save for the Bond, the other seven BEGOS Markets components are in the red, at present the Euro, Swiss Franc, Copper and …

22 Sep ’22, 09:32 Central Euro Time:

Post-Fed we’ve the Euro, Gold and Silver all trading at present below today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are …

21 Sep ’22, 09:26 Central Euro Time:

Ahead of the Fed we’ve both the Euro and Spoo trading at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; above same …

20 Sep ’22, 09:22 Central Euro Time:

Follow yesterday’s nervousness across the BEGOS Markets, all but Silver are within their Neutral Zones at present; the white metal is below …

19 Sep ’22, 09:33 Central Euro Time:

‘Tis red across the board for all eight BEGOS Markets components, the only one not below its Neutral Zone at present being …

16 Sep ’22, 09:23 Central Euro Time:

Both the Swiss Franc and Silver are trading below their Neutral Zones for today; Oil is above same, and the BEGOS Markets’ …

15 Sep ’22, 09:25 Central Euro Time:

The Bond, Oil, Silver and Gold all are at present below today’s respective Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are …

14 Sep ’22, 09:25 Central Euro Time:

Both the Bond and Oil are trading at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets …

13 Sep ’22, 09:24 Central Euro Time:

The Swiss Franc is the sole BEGOS Market trading at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; volatility is light-to-moderate. Silver …

12 Sep ’22, 09:19 Central Euro Time:

The BEGOS Markets begin the week with the Euro, Swiss Franc, Silver and Copper all at present above their respective Neutral Zones …

09 Sep ’22, 09:24 Central Euro Time:

Save for the Bond and the Spoo, both of which at present are inside of their respective Neutral Zones for today, the …

08 Sep ’22, 09:27 Central Euro Time:

Silver, Copper and Oil all are trading at present above today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below same, …

07 Sep ’22, 09:32 Central Euro Time:

Both Copper and Oil are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within …

06 Sep ’22, 09:42 Central Euro Time:

The two-day session continues (given yesterday’s StateSide holiday): only the Bond now is below its Neutral Zone, whilst above same are Silver, …

05 Sep ’22, 09:17 Central Euro Time:

Day One of a two-day session (for settle Tuesday given the StateSide holiday) begins with the Bond and Currencies slipping below their …

02 Sep ’22, 09:20 Central Euro Time:

The Euro, Gold, Silver and Oil are trading at present above their Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets …

01 Sep ’22, 09:20 Central Euro Time:

The Euro, Gold, Silver, Copper and the Spoo all are at present trading beneath their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of …

31 Aug ’22, 09:20 Central Euro Time:

Copper and the Spoo are the two BEGOS Markets at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the bunch are within …

30 Aug ’22, 09:13 Central Euro Time:

The BEGOS Markets are comparatively quiet relative to the last couple of trading days: Gold at present is the only component outside …

29 Aug ’22, 09:23 Central Euro Time:

Save for Oil, the seven other BEGOS Markets are starting the week in the red; volatility already is moderate-to-robust. The S&P 500’s …

26 Aug ’22, 09:23 Central Euro Time:

Today brings the Fed’s favourite gauge of inflation — the PCE’s Core reading for July — along with the month’s Personal Income/Spending …

25 Aug ’22, 09:31 Central Euro Time:

Six of the eight BEGOS Markets are trading at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; only the Bond and Oil …

24 Aug ’22, 09:14 Central Euro Time:

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present inside of today’s respective Neutral Zones, and volatility is again light-to-moderate. The resumption of the …

23 Aug ’22, 09:21 Central Euro Time:

The S&P finally unwound its 24 consecutive trading days of being “textbook overbought”; fundamentally, it remains excessively expensive, the “live” P/E at …

22 Aug ’22, 09:17 Central Euro Time:

The Euro, Gold, Copper and the Spoo are all trading at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; no BEGOS Market …

19 Aug ’22, 10:35 Central Euro Time:

As we come into the final day of Q2 Earnings Season, the significantly over-extended Spoo is weakening, as are the Bond and …

18 Aug ’22, 09:55 Central Euro Time:

The Swiss Franc, Silver and Copper are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, …

17 Aug ’22, 12:28 Central Euro Time:

The Bond, Swiss Franc, Silver, Copper and the Spoo all are trading at present beneath their respective Neutral Zones for today. Specific …

16 Aug ’22, 09:26 Central Euro Time:

Silver is at present below its Neutral Zone for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is …

15 Aug ’22, 09:25 Central Euro Time:

All eight BEGOS Markets begin their week in the red, those at present below the day’s Neutral Zone being the Swiss Franc …

12 Aug ’22, 09:23 Central Euro Time:

As it seems we’ve oft seen of late, all eight BEGOS Markets are by this hour inside of their respective Neutral Zones; …

11 Aug ’22, 09:04 Central Euro Time:

Yesterday’s stunningly zero inflation CPI headline number for July drove the Spoo up 60 points (from 4139 to 4199) in a mere …

10 Aug ’22, 09:22 Central Euro Time:

Again, at present we’ve all eight BEGOS Markets inside of their Neutral Zones; volatility is mostly light. At Market Trends, the Spoo’s …

09 Aug ’22, 09:16 Central Euro Time:

A brief acknowledgement of missing the boat: last Friday (05 August) we anticipated slowing for July’s Payrolls, which instead grew, (interesting details …

08 Aug ’22, 09:23 Central Euro Time:

The Spoo is off to a firm start for the week as are Oil and Copper, those BEGOS Markets all trading at …

05 Aug ’22, 09:21 Central Euro Time:

For a third straight day by this hour, Copper is the only BEGOS Market trading outside (in this case above) its neutral …

04 Aug ’22, 09:17 Central Euro Time:

In a mirror from this point of the session yesterday, Copper is the sole BEGOS Market trading at present outside (this time …

03 Aug ’22, 09:25 Central Euro Time:

Copper is the sole BEGOS Market trading at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone; volatility is again mostly moderate. Given the weakness …

02 Aug ’22, 09:18 Central Euro Time:

The Spoo has crept back below today’s Neutral Zone; above same is the Bond, and volatility is mostly moderate. The S&P 4100 …

01 Aug ’22, 09:14 Central Euro Time:

01 Aug ’22, 09:14 Central Euro Time: Save for the Euro and Swiss Franc, the BEGOS Markets commence the week to the …

29 Jul ’22, 09:15 Central Euro Time:

29 Jul ’22, 09:15 Central Euro Time: As anticipated these recent months, “The Recession” is now formally recognized, (and absent the Chain …