08 May 2024 – 08:38 Central Euro Time

Both Copper and Oil are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is again light. The Euro has yet to respond to its positive crossing of the smooth valuation line (see Market Values); still (in real-time), the Euro’s “Baby Blues” are now rising above their 0% axis, (see Market Trends) the linreg having turned positive; Market Profile support for the Euro is 1.07000; too, the Euro’s Best Market Rhythm (see the Euro’s page) is its daily Price Oscillator which appears poised to turn positive: 7 of the past 10 Price Oscillator crossings for the Euro (in either direction) have generated follow-through of at least 0.02000 points ($2,500/cac). Today for the Econ Baro we’ve March’s Wholesale Inventories.