The founder of deMeadville determined in the late 1990s that most investors and traders use similar analytical tools, but rarely make any real money. Thus was formed deMeadville and its creation of analytical tools that present far more knowledgable and leading assessments of the world’s most important markets: the Bond, Euro, Gold, Oil and S&P 500. These five primary “BEGOS” Markets represent the respective costs of: money, the Dollar, the safe haven, energy and equities risk. The deMeadville proprietary analytics in this website have been provenly tested on a daily basis for some 20 years without need for foundational alteration. For as Ferry Porsche stated when asked why his 911 car always appeared the same even after 30 years in production: “We made it right the first time.”
–[Mark Mead Baillie, founder]
It is our firm belief that these market-leading analytics provided by deMeadville be at the elbow of every investor and trader at trade desks around the world. deMeadville is not for the low-information, short-attention span, instant gratification crowd: there is no “holy grail” in this business. Rather, the knowledge gained from our analytics used in concert with the work of investors and traders can support their own assessments or even refute their own analyses otherwise leading to damaging decisions. deMeadville provides a unique and better sense of what to anticipate from these critical BEGOS Markets that shape the investing world and the economy. Although deMeadville is not legally licensed to provide specific trade recommendations, as our data provider for some 30 years says: “You’ll make more because you’ll know more.”
14 February 2025 – 08:25 Central Euro Time
We’ve both Silver and Copper at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is mostly light, save for Silver which already has traced 110% of its EDTR (see Market ranges). Barring January being an outlier, the pace of inflation is increasing...
Read More13 February 2025 – 08:25 Central Euro Time
The Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold and Copper are all at present above today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below same, and volatility is mostly moderate. The Bond’s “Baby Blues” (see Market Trends) confirmed settling below their +80% axis: price already has moved lower into structural support...
Read More12 February 2025 – 08:35 Central Euro Time
At present, all eight BEGOS Markets are within their respective Neutral Zones for today, and session volatility is light with January’s retail inflation metrics in the balance. Going ’round the Market Rhythms horn for pure swing consistency, currently the leaders (on a 10-test basis) are the Bond’s daily Moneyflow, the...
Read More11 February 2025 – 08:47 Central Euro Time
Both Silver and Copper are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the six other BEGOS Markets are within same, and session volatility is light-to-moderate. The S&P 500 is now “textbook overbought” through the past 14 consecutive trading days: there were significantly longer overbought stints during 2024, but ’tis something of...
Read More10 February 2025 – 08:34 Central Euro Time
The week starts finding at present the Swiss Franc below today’s Neutral Zone, whilst above same are both Gold and Silver; BEGOS Markets’ volatility is moderate. The Gold Update muses the 3000 level as within reasonable distance by month’s end, however cautions that price has risen for six consecutive weeks...
Read More07 February 2025 – 08:45 Central Euro Time
As was the same situation ’round this time yesterday, the Swiss Franc is presently below its Neutral Zone whilst above same is Copper; session volatility for the BEGOS Markets is light. The futs-adj’d “live” P/E of the S&P 500 is 49.6x: ’twill be interesting to see if (i.e. “when”) 50x...
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