31 October 2022 – 09:14 Central Euro Time

The Euro, Swiss Franc, Silver, Copper and Oil are all at present below their respectful Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is light-to-moderate. The Gold Update acknowledges the StateSide recession is over (Q1 and Q2 REAL GDP having been negative) given Q3’s positive reading. The Econ Baro is showing a continuing uptrend, which with inflation at a steady pace ought see the Fed raise another 75bp come Wednesday; the Baro closes out the month with October’s Chicago PMI. Gold’s settle on Friday (1648) was the lowest weekly close since pre-COVID during February 2020; with Gold’s weekly parabolic trend remaining Short into an eighth week, the upper 1500s are not out of the question.