30 April 2024 – 08:37 Central Euro Time

The final day of the year’s first quadrimestris finds early on all eight BEGOS Markets in the red; therein, the elements comprising the EuroCurrencies and Metals Triumvirate are all at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today, (the Bond, Oil and Spoo within same, albeit down). At Market Trends, both Gold and Silver appear within a day or two of their linregs rotating from positive to negative, which would leave Copper as the sole remaining component with a positive linreg; Gold remains above its smooth valuation line (see Market Values) in real-time by +78 points; still thus far today, the yellow metal already has broken below key Market Profile trading support (2342), current price now 2331. For the Econ Baro we’ve April’s Chi PMI and Consumer Confidence, plus Q1’s Employment Cost Index.