22 January 2024 – 09:17 Central Euro Time

Strength in the Spoo at the moment would have the “live” P/E of the S&P leap to 50.4x at the open, (after settling last week at 49.7x): more on the S&P’s dangerous overvaluation in the current edition of The Gold Update, which also sees near-term weakness for the precious metals. Both Gold and Silver are at present below today’s Neutral Zones. BEGOS Markets’ volatility is pushing toward moderate, and Silver itself has already traced 102% of its EDTR (see Market Ranges). Currently priced 2023, we’ve marked Gold’s underlying support structure as 2020-1936. The record-setting Spoo’s 21-linreg has rotated from negative to positive (see Market Trends). The Econ Baro starts its week with December’s Leading (i.e. “lagging”) indicators.

The Gold Update: No. 740 – (20 January 2024) – “Gold from Time Biding to Price Sliding”

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 740th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 20 January 2024 (published each Saturday) — www.deMeadville.com

Gold from Time Biding to Price Sliding

Wherein a week ago we wrote of “Gold Biding Time”, the yellow metal has since proceeded from time biding to price sliding, settling this past week yesterday (Friday) at 2032.  And from our purview, purely the culprit appears technical.  Indeed as previously penned:  “Still by a whole host of daily mainstream technicals, Gold can be couched at present as rather namby-pamby.

To wit, let’s go ’round the horn with our preferred technical studies (those currently best appearing on the website’s “Market Rhythms” page).  At present via Gold’s daily candles:  the Parabolics are Short, the MACD (“moving average convergence divergence”) is Short, the Price Oscillator is Short, the Moneyflow (canned data-provider version) is Short … and the 13/89 EMA (“exponential moving average”) is approaching a negative crossover to Short.  Such current conditions are denoted below on our master analytics chart, the time frame being the past 42 trading days (two months):


‘Course, do not disregard therein our long-standing cogent comment that “Shorting Gold is a bad idea” if for no other reason that opening “up-gaps” can wipe out one’s trading account without even a millisecond to intervene.  See, for example, 19 March 2009, 16 March 2020, 28 February 2022, 04 August 2023, et alia.  Were Smart Alec Short, say, 100 Gold contracts going into any of those four days alone, his trading account at the open would have been creamed by an average of -$387,500 … just in case he’s still licking his wounds at home, (let alone if he’s even around anymore).  A word to the wise is sufficient.  Or as a savvy StateSide investor once quipped:  “Whenever I buy Gold, I then hope for the price to go down as it’s like having an insurance policy with declining premiums.”  Wise indeed.

However, from the infamous “Nothing Moves in a Straight Line Dept.” Gold’s negative technicals are such that the weekly parabolic Long trend per the blue dots next shown may be nearing its end, with a test of the 2020-1936 zone of structural support then in the balance.  With Gold presently priced at 2032, ’tis but +35 points above the flip-to-Short level at 1997:  given Gold’s “expected weekly trading range” is now 64 points, the 1997 price is not that distant to avoid being penetrated in the ensuing week, barring price firming up and out of the chute to still higher ground.  But with money once again pouring into the earnings-less Casino 500, Gold (as is usual anyway) is out of favour … just make sure you own some.  Here’s the weekly bars graphic:

Moving on to the Economic Barometer, 10 of the past week’s 15 incoming metrics improved period-over-period:  thus an ongoing boost to the Baro.  The one statistic that completely gob-smacked us was The University of Michigan’s “Go Blue!” Sentiment Survey.  Not only did it record its highest reading since that for July 2021, but the month-over-month leap was the largest since that for September 2008 when in fact ’twas all going wrong with the FinCrisis.  What are they smokin’ over there in Ann Arbor?  Goodness gracious.  (Did anybody note January’s New York State Empire Index fell from -14.5 to -43.7, its poorest reading since 2020’s COVID springtime?)  But bring on December’s booming Retail Sales and up went the Baro.  And duly note the green bit therein:

 “Worst start to Earnings Season in memory, mmb?

Across our 14 years of recording earnings, Squire, we’ve never seen a start worse than this.  Rightly however, as we “tweeted” (@deMeadvillePro) this past Thursday:  “This may be statistically insignificant as ’tis very, very early in Q4 Earnings Season.”  And yet through the balance of the week, the poor trend continued.  Specific to the S&P 500:  31 companies have thus far reported, of which just a scant nine (29%) bettered their bottom lines over Q4 of a year ago.  In our records, that is worse than the S&P’s worst prior all-in quarter which registered only 36% having bettered for Q2 of COVID-plagued 2020.

And yet, the Casino 500 yesterday recorded its first all-time high (4842) since that on 04 January 2022 (4819).  To again reprise the late, great Vince Lombardi:  “What da hell’s goin’ on out dere?!?!?”

This really is becoming scary.  One can be securely safe in U.S. Treasuries at triple the yield of S&P 500.  But maybe that’s not considered fun.  Surely it shan’t be fun should the stock market shut because the money doesn’t exist to fund folks’ stock sales.  Today, obviously teaching Personal Finance at the undergraduate level is a waste of time.  Remember our herein quoting Jerome B. Cohen:  “In a bear market many stocks will sell at 5 to 7 times earnings, while in bull markets the average level would be about 15 to 18 times earnings.”  As penned on the above Econ Baro, the “live” price/earnings ratio right now for the Casino 500 is 49.7x.  If you don’t believe it, do something your broker can’t do … the math:

As for having to pass Portfolio Theory at the graduate level, forget about it:  ’tis no longer needed given earnings no longer have meaning.

But wait, there’s more.  Shame on you if not following the website’s S&P MoneyFlow page.  And WOW did it whirl ’round this past week to upside.  Here’s the problem:  decade-to-date (the S&P’s closing span being from 3701 to now 4840) the average amount of money requisite to move the S&P up or down one point is $1,100,278 … as of yesterday the actual amount is a thin $540,068.  That essentially means this “record-setting rally” is frothy and built on a lot of small trading block BS (can we print that, Mr. Editor?)

The point is:  if you’re wedded to stocks, be wary to withstand having a hellova haircut.  ‘Tis coming and ’twill be comprehensively butt-ugly.  Or as we’ve on occasion quipped:  “Market-to-market, everybody’s a millionaire; market-to-reality, they ain’t worth squat.”  Write it down.

Meanwhile as cited, Gold’s price continues to be written down of late.  In our two-panel graphic at left the old adage of “Follow the blues instead of the news, else lose your shoes” is in full cavort (but best not to go Short).  Then at right, Gold’s 10-day Market Profile finds price rather clinging to the final bulge of support:

And pretty much the same can be said for Silver, albeit her three months of daily bars (below left) lack Gold’s on balance (yet waning) upside bent, justifying the Gold/Silver ratio now 89.3x, its highest level since 10 March of last year.  Per the Market Profile (below right) 22.70 shows as Sister Silver’s final level of near-term trading support:

 Before our final quip to close, let’s see what the Gold stack shows:

The Gold Stack
Gold’s Value per Dollar Debasement, (from our opening “Scoreboard”):  3738
Gold’s All-Time Intra-Day High:  2152 (04 December 2023)
Gold’s All-Time Closing High:  2092 (01 December 2023)
The 2000’s Triple-Top:  2089 (07 Aug ’20); 2079 (08 Mar ’22); 2085 (04 May ’23)
2024’s High:  2088 (02 January)
10-Session “volume-weighted” average price magnet:  2037
Trading Resistance:  2036 / 2052 / 2058
Gold Currently:  2032, (expected daily trading range [“EDTR”]: 26 points)
Trading Support:  2014
10-Session directional range:  down to 2005 (from 2071) = -66 points or -3.2%
2024’s Low:  2005 (17 January)
The Weekly Parabolic Price to flip Short:  1997
The 300-Day Moving Average:  1937 and rising
The Gateway to 2000:  1900+
The Final Frontier:  1800-1900
The Northern Front:  1800-1750
On Maneuvers:  1750-1579
The Floor:  1579-1466
Le Sous-sol:  Sub-1466
The Support Shelf:  1454-1434
Base Camp:  1377
The 1360s Double-Top:  1369 in Apr ’18 preceded by 1362 in Sep ’17
Neverland:  The Whiny 1290s
The Box:  1280-1240

Indeed to close, let’s go to the Swiss snows at the WEF (World Elites’ Forum) wherein the “It Doesn’t Apply to Us Dept.” was in full folly, (as you may well have already heard).  The “emphasis” of this year’s Davos boondoggle being “Climate Change” and “AI”, one John Forbes Kerry — THE U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (his having previously been both U.S. Secretary of State and U.S. Senator from The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as having served in Viet Nam) — was media-queried in reference to the 1,000+ private jets having carbonized their way to either Zurich or St. Gallen-Altenrhein.  The response:  “That’s a stupid question”.

Which leads one to wonder what a Davos plat du jour was this year …

Avoid stoopid.  Acquire Gold!



and now on “X”:  @deMeadvillePro

19 January 2024 – 09:19 Central Euro Time

As was the case yesterday at this time, all eight BEGOS Markets are presently within their respective Neutral Zones for today, and volatility thus again is quiet. The amount of money it takes to move the S&P 500 one point is literally but half was it was just back in November, a “warning sign” as to just how frothy the S&P has become; too, with the “live” P/E at 48.5x, the Index remains on very unsteady footing. That noted, the S&P’s MoneyFlow has been on the upside go notably these last two trading days. The Econ Baro concludes its week with January’s UofM Sentiment Survey and December’s Existing Home Sales.

18 January 2024 – 09:16 Central Euro Time

The BEGOS Markets are at present quiet with all eight components inside today’s Neutral Zones; volatility is light. At Market Trends, the Spoo’s 21-day linreg has rotated to negative leaving just the Swiss Franc still (barely) in a positive stance. By Market Rhythms, our most consistent study on a 10-test swing basis is Copper’s 30mn Parabolics, whilst on a 24-test swing basis ’tis the Euro’s 4hr Parabolics. Per Market Values, the most extreme appearance by deviation from its smooth valuation line is Gold which shows (in real-time) as -50 points “low”. The Econ Baro’s incoming metrics for today include January’s Philly Fed Index and December’s Housing Starts/Permits.

17 January 2024 – 09:12 Central Euro Time

Whilst yesterday’s S&P Moneyflow was actually positive (+0.9%), the Index itself fell -0.4%, but by our broadest measure (quarterly) the Flow still is suggestive of lower Index levels. Earnings Season is off to a poor start; however with just 30 companies having reported (of some 2,000 expected), this may not yet be statistically significant: 80% having beaten estimates … but just 40% have improved their bottom lines over Q4 a year ago. At present, Silver, Copper and the Spoo are below their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets are above same, and volatility is pushing toward moderate. Cac volume for Oil is moving from February into March. And ’tis a big day for the Econ Baro with January’s NAHB Housing Index, December’s Retail Sales, Ex/Im Prices, and IndProd/CapUtil, plus November’s Business Inventories. Too, we receive the Fed’s Tan Tome for January.

16 January 2024 – 09:16 Central Euro Time

Into the second day of the BEGOS Markets’ two-day session we’ve now the Bond, EuroCurrencies and Spoo all to the weak side; Copper is the sole component at present above its Neutral zone. Volatility is moderate-to-robust given it being a double-session, the Swiss Franc leading the ranginess with a 109% tracing of its EDTR (see Market Ranges). Quietest of the bunch is Gold, thus far with just a 51% tracing: again per the current edition of The Gold Update, the yellow metal is biding its time within a broader rising price environment. At Market Trends the following are now sporting negative 21-day linregs: the Bond, Gold, Silver, Copper and Oil, and it remains that the “Baby Blues” of trend consistency are all in descent. The Econ Baro’s week begins with January’s NY Empire State Index.

15 January 2024 – 09:15 Central Euro Time

Given the StateSide holiday, the BEGOS Markets are into a two-day session (for Tuesday settlement). At present we’ve the Bond below its Neutral Zone for the session, and Copper above same; volatility is expectedly light. The Gold Update cites the December dichotomy between an inflationary CPI and a deflationary PPI, and that Gold on balance is biding its time these days, its broader measures of trend still quite positive. Q4 Earnings Season for 2023 is in the banks’ results phase: of the six having reported this past Friday, four bottom lines were worse than for Q4 of 2022. Still, the S&P 500 remains near its 4819 all-time high, the futs-adj’d opening at this instant for tomorrow being 4787, and the “live” P/E thus 46.6x. The “all-to-risk” S&P now yields 1.465% and the “risk-free” 3-month T-Bill an annualized 5.198%. The Econ Baro awaits a week with 15 incoming metrics.

The Gold Update: No. 739 – (13 January 2024) – “Gold Biding Time; Bitcoin Prime Time”

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 739th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 13 January 2024 (published each Saturday) — www.deMeadville.com

Gold Biding Time; Bitcoin Prime Time

We directly start with this as culled from the second paragraph penned herein a week ago:

“…But in seeing the Dollar take flight to start this year … along with the Bond’s fresh demise as yields rise, might renewed inflation be taking first prize?  In other words:  what if the Fed instead tightens … surprise!…”

And in that vein, true to form, this past Thursday’s release of the StateSide Consumer Price Index for December posted a +0.3% rise in retail inflation over that recorded for November, in turn increasing the 12-month summation from +3.1% to +3.3%; and should you neither eat nor drive, that for the “Core” rate is now +3.9%.  As we’ve previously mused with respect to the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee, perhaps +4% is the new +2%.

Yet fortunately come Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ ringside timekeeper rang the bell to save the academically forward-looking Producer Price Index.  That registered wholesale inflation as -0.1% December deflation, a number far more in line with November’s “Fed-favoured” Personal Consumption Expenditures Indices; (December’s are due 26 January).

But wait, there’s more:  should we be deflating, evidenced by prices actually falling…

“C’mon, mmb, that never happens…”

…Squire you weren’t around in the early 30s.  But to your point, at the retail level we cannot recall prices in general receding, save for there being a “SALE!”  Why, even the cost here of our preferred Bordeaux is +23% from just a year ago.  No deflation there.

And yet if deflation indeed rears its depressive head, ought the Fed cut rates right now?  Why wait whatsoever for the FOMC’s 31 January Policy Statement?  The Great Greenspan didn’t wait back in January 2001; he exceptionally slashed the FedFunds rate -0.5% astride an earnings-less DotComBomb in freefall.  Might we today similarly see Prescient Powell do same should the earnings-lacking Casino 500 slip into an icy, glacial crevasse?  Our “live” price/earnings ratio for that S&P 500 is now 46.5x, and you ad nauseum know, there ain’t the dough to cover that show, (S&P Market Cap now $41.8T vs. “M2” Money Supply $20.9T).

Further, from the “Oh by the Way Dept.” the 12-month CPI summation for the year 2000 was +3.3% as ’twas just recorded for 2023.  Then following into 2001, the S&P was down as much as -28.4%.  Might we thus see 2001 all over again?  What with so-so earnings, plus a safer and better yield by far in the debt market, ’tis just one of those “stars-are-aligned” things that make us go “hmmm…”


However, “hmmm…” also expresses this past week for Gold.  Upon all the inflationary/deflationary dust settling, Gold itself settled the week yesterday (Friday) at 2054, a sleepy net point gain for the five days of +1.  Biding its time, here are Gold’s weekly bars from a year ago-to-date:

Therein, the good news is Gold’s resilience off the week’s low (2017) from the CPI blow, again saved by the bell per the PPI sub-zero.  Still by a whole host of daily mainstream technicals, Gold can be couched at present as rather namby-pamby.  To be sure per the above chart, both the blue-dotted parabolic trend and overall dashed linear regression trend remain positive.  But let’s leap to the less robust daily depiction per our proprietary technicals, notably the last three months-to-date for Gold below left and for Silver below right.  For both precious metals, their respective baby blue dots of regression trend consistency continue to drop, (the old adage of course being “Follow the blues instead of the news, else lose your shoes”).  Here’s the graphic by the daily bars:

That stated, the 10-day precious metals’ Market Profiles are at present supportive of price.  Below for Gold on the left, the 2051-2034 zone looks fairly firm (despite the aforementioned 2017 weekly low), whilst on the right for Sister Silver, that same 23.20 remains her volume-dominant price support.

On to the Economic Barometer, which from its 06 December low has been ratcheting up in recovery.  Specific to this past week’s array of just nine incoming metrics — December’s zany inflation/deflation notwithstanding — we categorize just one as “worse” period-over-period (and yes ’tis boring):  November’s Wholesale Inventories reduced at a slower pace than those for October.  Otherwise, everything’s “Great!” (recall the Baro herein a week ago).  Why, the Monthly Treasure Deficit for December was better than halved from November … so exciting, non?  (Well, maybe not, depending on one’s contextual data source).  Here’s the whole year-over-year picture:

And now for something completely different” –[Monty Python, ’71].  Rarely do we bring up bits**t

“Now, now, mmb…”

…yes, Squire, ok, “Bitcoin”.  But it did  take prime time billing this past week in anticipated –and in turn — approval of 11 exchange-traded funds now tradable (including from some high-level names such as Franklin Templeton, Blackrock, and Fidelity).  And whereas with both Gold and the Casino 500 we’ve mathematical extremes vis-à-vis price and valuation (the former priced way too low and the latter way too high), with Bitcoin price is valuation given ’tis something based on nothing beyond a fixed supply.  Reprise:  “The market is never wrong”; ’tis where the traders have placed Bitcoin:  thus ’tis priced right at valuation, pure and simple.  Through transactional growth should Bitcoin gain further acceptance toward supplementing worthless fiat currencies, the price ought materially rise “as time goes by… –[Herman Hupfeld ’31].

Either way, we decided to take a peek at “The Now” for Bitcoin.  Since the SEC’s cautionary “Gensler Granting” of the ETFs this past Thursday, Wall Street treated Bitcoin as essentially it does “all things” anticipated:  the rumour having been bought, the news then was sold.  ‘Tis depicted here (at left) across the past three months-to-date, the rightmost two days evident of the peak (futs 49,435) and subsequent sell (futs now 43,425).  The “Baby Blues” nicely captured the consistency of the recent run up before pipping down on Friday.  For the present, the strength of the broader trend across the panel is encouraging, however there’s that unfilled gap from 04 December (39,640 to 40,325); still, because Bitcoin spot trades ’round the clock, such unfilled gap may be mere talk.  But not so much mere talk are the S&P futures (at right), the “Baby Blues” therein extending their descent.  “Got stock?”  Sorry to hear that:

Thus there we are for this week as Gold bided its time whilst Bitcoin saw prime time … at least for a bit.  Directionally near-term for Bitcoin, we’re clueless.  Broadly for Gold we’ve no concerns. But for the Casino 500, we’re worried the whole roulette wheel could fly right off the spindle (given we do the earnings — or lack thereof — math).  Regardless with respect to the latter, the children’s writing pool over at the once-mighty Barron’s ran this past week with “Why S&P 500 Pain Could Turn to Gains”What pain?  There’s been no S&P pain since the January-October “owie” back in 2022.  Which in turn (save for the brief COVID crash and dash) pales in comparison to the last real pain from the 2007-2009 FinCrisis.  But through generational turnover in today’s “stocks never go down” bubblesphere, this is to where we’ve arrived.  And when the fear sets in that upon selling one’s stock, one might not actually receive the proceeds, the stock market rather than crashing might instead simply shutdown … just a passing thought.




and now on “X”:  @deMeadvillePro

12 January 2024 – 09:20 Central Euro Time

The Metals Triumvirate and Oil are the BEGOS Markets’ winners at present; the other components are within today’s Neutral Zones, and volatility is again mostly light. Last Saturday’s (and still current) edition of The Gold Update introduced the notion that inflation may not be cooling, and we saw evidence of that in yesterday’s CPI data for December; today the Econ Baro looks to the wholesale level of inflation via December’s PPI. Gold (presently 2043) has thus far seen the session’s low at 2034 which is the most dominantly-traded Market Profile price across the past two weeks. Q4 earnings ought get more notice through these next several trading days as financial institutions’ results begin to arrive, (see too the website’s Earnings Season page for the overall picture).

11 January 2024 – 09:09 Central Euro Time

Early on we’ve strength in the Bond, the Metals Triumvirate and the Spoo; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below their Neutral Zone, and volatility is mostly light. At Market Trends, Copper’s linreg has rotated to negative, joining Silver also in that stance; however as noted yesterday, the “Baby Blues” of trend consistency are falling for all eight components. Our best Market Rhythm by swing results (on a 10-test basis) currently is Gold’s 8hr MACD and (on a 24-test basis) the Euro’s 4hr Parabolics. Included in today’s metrics for the Econ Baro are December’s CPI along with the (occasionally elusive) Treasury Deficit.

10 January 2024 – 09:15 Central Euro Time

The BEGOS Markets are at present quiet, all eight components within their respective Neutral Zones for today; volatility is light across the board. The Swiss Franc per our Market Trends page confirmed its “Baby Blues” of trend consistency having fallen below the key +80%, suggestive of lower prices near-term; currently, our favoured Market Rhythm for the Swiss Franc is its 4hr MoneyFlow. Yesterday the S&P got a bit of a MoneyFlow boost; however the tide of the Spoo continues to weaken as its 21-day linreg trend continues to rotate toward turning negative, (again see Market Trends). November’s Wholesale Inventories come due for the Econ Baro.

09 January 2024 – 09:10 Central Euro Time

The precious metals are rebounding this morning, both Gold and Silver at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is mostly light, save for the precious metals having already traced in excess of 50% of their EDTRs (see Market Ranges). At Market Values, all five primary BEGOS components are fairly near their respective smooth valuation lines. Meanwhile at Market Trends, it remains that all the markets are in linreg uptrends save for Silver: however in all eight cases, their “Baby Blues” are in decline, exemplary of the uptrends losing their consistency. For the Econ Baro we’ve November’s Trade Deficit; and Q4 Earnings Season is underway which you can track here at the website.

08 January 2024 – 09:25 Central Euro Time

The precious metals and Oil are weak this morning; BEGOS Markets volatility is pushing toward moderate as the year’s first full trading week begins. The Gold Update is somewhat wary of the early-year inflation trading push out of the Bond and into the Dollar, Gold in turn getting the “conventional wisdom” sell. For the S&P 500, the MoneyFlow page is decidedly negative such that lower Index levels ought be in the offing; specific to the Spoo, its “Baby Blues” (see Market Trends) are (in real-time) accelerating their fall, and by Market Values the Spoo looks to a negative crossing below its smooth valuation line, barring a firm rally this week: confirmation of such crossing would, too, suggest lower price levels. Late in the session for the Econ Baro we’ve November’s Consumer Credit.

The Gold Update: No. 738 – (06 January 2024) – “Gold Stumbles into New Year as the Dollar Gets into Gear”

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 738th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 06 January 2024 (published each Saturday) — www.deMeadville.com

Gold Stumbles into New Year as the Dollar Gets into Gear

The biggest eye-opener for us through the first four trading days of 2024 — a year in which we’ve called for Gold 2375 — is the Dollar’s sudden resilience.  Oh to be sure:  the FinMedia buzz is focused on whether or not the Federal Open Market Committee shall vote to cut its Bank’s Funds Rate come their 20 March Policy Statement, (somewhat shunning that first scheduled for 31 January).

But in seeing the Dollar take flight to start this year — indeed recovering a 10-day losing streak in just the first two days of 2024 — along with the Bond’s fresh demise as yields rise, might renewed inflation be taking first prize?  In other words:  what if the Fed instead tightenssurprise!

Graphically below, ’tis not that noticeable, let alone overwhelming.  But right of the vertical line in commencing 2024, clearly the concerted move is out of the Bond (i.e. yields on the increase) and into the Dollar in what may be deemed as a pro-inflation play, with Gold entangled by conventional wisdom as a “sell”:

Hardly is renewed inflation a firm forecast.  Yet curiously, the Buck and the Bond appear early on as inflation anticipative; and as is our wont to say:  “…the market is never wrong…”

But as you also always say, mmb, it can be really misvalued…”

True enough, Squire, the two most glaring examples (per our honestly performed math) being the S&P 500 priced +76% above earnings valuation and Gold priced -45% below debasement valuation.  As for “How long has this been going on… –[Ace, ’74], the S&P’s valuation above mean and Gold’s valuation below same extend back a good dozen years.  “…tick tick tick goes the means reversion clock…”

But as to inflation anticipation:  between now and the Fed’s end-of-January confab, StateSide there’re four key incoming data sets on inflation:  the Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index, Export/Import Prices, and the “Fed-favoured” Personal Consumption Expenditures Index.  And on this side of the Pond as the year begins, we’re weathering an +8% increase in the cost of our morning café crème/croissant … ouch!

Why?  Because “the club” (oh yes) says ’tis responding to price increases in what it now pays per kilo of coffee.  So we decided to check:  and ICE Coffee futures for March delivery have increased in the last few months by as much as +41% (10 October low to 19 December high).  However, the good news for you caffeine heads out there is Dow Jones Newswires having run yesterday (Friday) with “Eurozone Inflation Rose Less Than Expected, Keeping Rate-Cut Talk on Track” in turn easing our inflative coffee cost concerns … whew!

But as this is not “The Coffee Update”, let’s get on to Gold, which indeed has stumbled thus far into New Year, price having sported its first down week since that ending 08 December in settling yesterday at 2053, albeit a still comfy +84 points above the parabolic trend’s flip-to-Short level at 1969.  And at the foot of this weekly bars graphic we’ve the Gold/Silver ratio now 87.8x, its highest end-of-week level since that ending last 10 March, (the century-to-date average but 67.9x):

As for Gold “awareness”:  if measured by trading range, ’tis not really there, even as price has been fairly firm on balance these past 14 months, (with notable thanks to the BRICS banks).  Still, despite the Gold hype, a public unaware remains the stereotype.  Drawing from the website, the next two-panel graphic displays Gold’s “expected daily trading range” (EDTR) from one year ago-to-date on the left, and the same for the Swiss Franc on the right.  For Gold, expected range from day-to-day is as ’twas a year ago, yet waning.  However for the Swissie, after a year’s worth of range doldrums, clearly of late ’tis back in play, regardless of way.  So beyond banks increasing their Gold shares, it remains that no one else cares:

Meanwhile, looking to find its own way is the Economic Barometer, exemplified by five of the year’s first ten incoming metrics having improved period-over-period … meaning that five did not improve.  Still net-net, December’s job creation and a firm upswing in November’s pace of Factory Orders were enough to bring a New Year boost to the Baro’s first week.  Culling from Friday’s White House statement:  “…2023 was a great year for American workers. The economy created 2.7 million new jobs … more jobs than during any year of the prior Administration…”  ‘Course, not mentioned was that 2023 posted the current administration’s weakest year vis-à-vis job creation, (given 5.1 million in 2021 followed by 4.6 million in 2022).  But far be it from us to rain on the President’s parade; rather, here’s the wayward Baro from one year ago-to-date along with the stratospheric S&P 500 (in red):

‘Course with respect to the S&P, we recall the old adage “As goes January…”, which at least early on is not boding well.  Should you be following the website and/or our “X” feed (@deMeadvillePro), you already know the leading characteristics of the S&P Futures’ “Baby Blues” are suggesting still lower stock prices, certainly underscored by the negative MoneyFlow differential of late.  What this next graphic illustrates is that regardless of time frame (one week, one month, or one quarter), money as regressed into S&P points is flowing out at a pace faster than the decline in the Index itself, and has provably led the decline into New Year:

“So how low would be low, mmb?

‘Course, none of us know, Squire, and a multitude of measures can be applied.  Here’s one:  a full Golden Ratio retracement between the S&P’s October low of 4104 and the recent not-quite-all-time-high of 4793 would bring us to 4368, a further -7% correction from the current 4697 level.  Or should Q1 Earnings Season net-net show no growth, a reversion to the original “live” price/earnings ratio of 25.4x (at its establishment in January 2013) from such current P/E of 44.7x would elicit an S&P “correction” from here of -43% down to 2669, which would put price back into its growth regression channel had COVID never occurred.  Thus to tie the bow with reference to the aforementioned comment on earnings valuation (just in case you’re scoring at home), 4697 today is +76% above 2669.

Regardless of measure, the straits for the S&P 500 as a single Index remain extremely treacherous:  but until the FinMedia and bullish-beyond-belief analysts own up to the overvaluation, it can remain “Game On!” for the stock market.  For in today’s equities environment, earnings mean nothing … until they again do; (ref:  DotComBomb 2000-2002:  “We don’t need no stinkin’ earnings!”  Oh really?).

Fortunately Gold, given ’tis money, does have meaning as we next turn to the two-panel graphic of the yellow metal’s daily bars from three months ago-to-date at left and 10-day Market Profile at right.  Gold’s “Baby Blues” of trend consistency have of a sudden stalled, suggesting near-term lack of puff for further price rise.  And by the Profile’s labels, this 2051-2074 zone at present determines whether price can instead break higher, else first succumb to a retest of the lower 2000s:

The near-term playbook looks much the same for Silver.  Presently 23.39, were the white metal to slip some more, the broader 23.88 to 21.93 price structure spanning from late October into mid-November appears supportive (below left); more immediately per the Profile (below right), 23.20 appears key to hold:

We opened in musing on inflation:  reporting thereto ranks significant in the first full trading week of 2024 with December’s CPI due Thursday (11 January) followed by the PPI on Friday (12 January).  Shall such metrics renew the inflation scare?  Or instead remain benign over which we’ve nothing to care?  As a great friend and financial colleague remarked over this morning’s inflated coffee:  “This is not going to be an easy year.”  Indeed with valuations so out of whack, it may not be an easy several years.  “Well, ya gotta buy the dip”, they say.  Ok, you go first, Conway.  We’ll hedge with Gold for the Long way!



and now on Twitter(“X”):  @deMeadvillePro

05 January 2024 – 09:23 Central Euro Time

We’ve weakness this morning in the Bond and EuroCurrencies; the other BEGOS Markets are at present within today’s Neutral Zones, and volatility is again light. As did the Spoo on Wednesday, the Bond has now confirmed its “Baby Blues” (see Market Trends) having crossed below their key +80% axis: currently priced at 122^15, we can see a near-term run down into the 120 handle. The leading MoneyFlow for the S&P 500 continues to deteriorate more swiftly than the downside change in the Index itself, even as the “textbook overbought” condition concluded with a 39-trading-day streak. And for the Econ Baro, ’tis Payrolls day for December, along with the month’s ISM(Svc) Index, plus November’s Factory Orders.

04 January 2024 – 09:09 Central Euro Time

The BEGOS Markets are quiet, at present all eight components within their respective Neutral Zones for today; obviously, volatility is light. Despite the S&P 500 having recorded two down days to commence the year, it nonetheless is entering what would be a 40th consecutive trading day as “textbook overbought”: having settled yesterday at 4704, an up session today would likely maintain that condition, else a down day would finally nix it. Too for the Spoo, its “Baby Blues” (see Market Trends) confirmed settling below their +80% axis yesterday, suggestive of still lower price levels ahead: whilst this is a highly reliable leading near-term indicator, the prior such occurrence failed to produce anything materially to the downside. Today’s Econ Baro metrics include December’s ADP Employment data.

03 January 2024 – 09:02 Central Euro Time

At present we’ve weakness in the Bond and Copper, and strength in the Euro; BEGOS Markets volatility is light. As tweeted [@deMeadvillePro], whilst the S&P dropped -0.6% to start the year, the MoneyFlow regressed into S&P points fell -2.1%: as this is a leading indicator, we look to still lower S&P levels near-term, especially as the Index itself is now 38 consecutive trading days “textbook overbought”. Debt yields and the Dollar rose in beginning 2024, counter to FinMedia expectations of their “Fed pivot”. The Econ Baro awaits December’s ISM(Mfg) Index; too, we’ve the FOMC Minutes from the 12-13 December meeting.

02 January 2024 – 09:14 Central Euro Time

Early on the New Year we’ve weakness in the Bond and EuroCurrencies, and strength in Gold, Silver, Oil and the Spoo. The Gold Update targets a “conservative” high in 2024 for 2375 as detailed in the write-up. The S&P 500’s “textbook overbought” condition ranks in the 97th percentile of all such conditions across the past 44 years, the “live” P/E settling 2023 at 46.3x, an 82% increase from its inception a dozen years ago, purely reflective of earnings not keeping pace with price. In real-time, the Spoo is 193 points above its smooth valuation line (see Market Values). The Econ Baro kicks off the year with 10 incoming metrics this week, including due today November’s Construction Spending.,

The Gold Update: No. 737 – (30 December 2023) – “Gold – We Conservatively Forecast 2375 for 2024’s High”

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 737th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 30 December 2023 (published each Saturday) — www.deMeadville.com

Gold – We Conservatively Forecast 2375 for 2024’s High

‘Twas a year ago at this time we opted out of forecasting a high price for Gold in 2023, other than to opine ‘twould make a new All-Time High (above that of 2089 from 07 August 2020), which indeed eventuated at 2152 this past 04 December.  Since then, Gold proceeded to settle the year yesterday (Friday) at 2072.

Opting to not forecast a high for 2023 was simply a function of “Who knows how high ‘twould go…” once the then existing 2089 All-Time High was eclipsed.  To wit, you may recall our tongue-in-cheekedly leaving such prognostication to the “Fibonacci Extension Crowd”.

So how is it any different this time for 2024, mmb?

Well, dear Squire, we’ve drawn upon our response to that which you herein queried a week ago.  For this time ’round we’ve at least some historical guidance upon which to draw.  To cut to the quick: we demonstrated last week that century-to-date whenever Gold has had a five-day run into Christmas of better than +1.0%, its average maximum price increase (as measured from the settle of the last trading day before Christmas) through the ensuing year is +23.9%.  That average comes from seven qualifying occurrences during 2001 through 2022:  and now for 2023 we’ve an eighth occurrence.  Thus applying that +23.9% average maximum increase to Gold’s 2065 settle this past 22 December would bring 2557 during 2024.

However: because a) we fully comprehend that “average” is not “reality” and more importantly that b) cash management drives at least some degree of capital preservation (which for you WestPalmBeachers down there otherwise means “greed kills”), we’ve decided to lop off one standard deviation of that average, which then conservatively forecasts +15.0% above 2065 — thus 2375 — for 2024’s high.  Anything beyond that is gravy.  Thus from the “Sneak Preview Dept.” the above Gold Scoreboard now highlightnext year’s high forecast, which upon being achieved shall be a beautiful thing.

Beautiful too is Gold’s having completed 2023 +13.2% to stand on the BEGOS Markets’ podium, second only to the S&P 500 +24.2%.  (We’re considering from time-to-time re-christening the latter as the “Casino 500”, for clearly as this Investing Age of Stoopid continues to unfold, any consideration of earnings for price valuation has been summarily dismissed; more on that catastrophic catalyst later).  But for the present, here are the Final BEGOS Markets Standings for 2023:

Save for the S&P, the most glaring out-of-sorts pairing therein is Gold’s firm performance versus Silver’s no performance (-0.6%).  At year-end 2022, the Gold/Silver ratio was 75.7x; here at year-end 2023 ’tis 86.2x.  The century-to-date average is now 67.9x, at which ratio (given Gold’s present 2072 level) means Silver instead of being 24.03 today would find it +21% higher at 30.50.  So again for those of you scoring at home:  do not forget the Silver!  As for cellar dweller Oil (-11.4% in settling the year at 71.33):  the percentage price of one barrel of “Black Gold” per one ounce of Gold is a wee 3.4%, the average this century being 6.8%.  “Green” may be popularly great, but do not Oil underestimate.

Specific to our Gold, here are its weekly bars across the entirety of 2023, the present parabolic Long trend now 11 blue dots in duration.  And in pointing toward more in 2024, we anticipate Golden fireworks galore:

Next we broaden the Gold perspective by bringing up the yellow metal’s year-over-year cumulative percentage track along with those of key precious metals’ equity brethren.  Thus as measured from 28 December 2022 through 29 December 2023, we again have Gold itself leading the pack +14%, and then in descending turn:  the VanEck Vectors Gold Miners exchange-traded fund (GDX) +8%, Agnico Eagle Mines (AEM) +5%, the Global X Silver Miners exchange-traded fund (SIL) -1%, Pan American Silver (PAAS) -2%, Newmont (NEM) -13%, and finally Franco-Nevada (FNV) -19%.  So the bottom line here remains the ever-lagging nature of the equities:

As to how ’tis all really going comes the StateSide Economic Barometer.  What we’ve gleaned from the FinMedia is, should you be seated on the left side of the aisle, the economy is doing fantastic; if instead on the right side, ’tis at best spastic.  But because we do the math, the Econ Baro’s net negative bent appears rather drastic.  Indeed, here’s a stat with which you shan’t be provided anywhere else:  of the 590 incoming metrics for the Baro during 2023, 47% improved from period-to-period, 47% worsened, and 6% were static.  (Per the performance by the prognosticators:  17% of the metrics met consensus estimates, 43% were better, and 40% were worse).

So why then the ‘net negative bent’ as you put it, mmb?

Because, Squire, 30% of all period-to-period readings were then revised lower, whereas only 25% were revised higher, (leaving 45% unrevised).  All-in-all, hardly fantastic, rather more spastic, and bent toward drastic:

‘Course, the red line accompanying the Baro is the afore-dubbed “Casino 500” (has a rather realistic ring, non?)  The Big Roulette wheel through year-end is now 37 consecutive trading days “textbook overbought”, placing it in the 97th percentile of all such overbought conditions across the past 44 years.  As for the aforementioned dismissal of earnings, our “live” price/earnings ratio finished the year at 46.3x:  that is +82% above our first such reading of 25.4x in January 2013.  Similarly from that same month, Bob Shiller’s CAPE has leapt +46% from 22.1x to now 32.3x, and the otherwise “broker-parroted” S&P/DJI version has expanded +53% from 17.3x to now 26.4x.  The annualized all-risk “Casino 500” yield settled the year at 1.466% … the annualized no-risk U.S. three-month dough is at 5.180%. Or in quoting Roger Moore to Gloria Hendry:  “Make your choice.” –[Live and Let Die, ’73]

Still, if living by the website’s Market Trends page, ’tis been hard to be wrong of late given the dying Dollar, the Buck having dumped -6.2% of its Index value high-to-low in the year’s final two months.  Why, the Swiss Franc alone now costs more than $1.20 for the first time (save for its €uro-decoupling one-day spike on 15 January 2015) since 06 September 2011, (that date ringing a bell as ’twas Gold’s 1923 All-Time High which never again was breached until the noted 07 August 2020 date).  But to the point:  with the exception of Silver (sadly), the BEGOS Markets’ grey regression trendlines across the past 21 trading days are all in positive slant, the baby blue dots indicative of the consistency of those trends:

Then zooming in on the precious metals’ 10-day Market Profiles, Gold’s supremacy over Sister Silver is quite clear, the yellow metal settling the year above the Profile’s mid-point, whilst the white metal is below same.  But you already know (courtesy of the “Dept. of Redundancy Dept.”) not to forget the Silver!

So to wrap with Gold this past month having recorded a new All-Time High at 2152 and it now being both month-end as well as year-end, here we’ve the defined Gold Structure chart through the past dozen years, now featuring 2024’s goal of 2375, (conservative, or otherwise):

In transiting through New Year, one wonders how much longer the S&P 500 can withstand trading at nearly double its earnings valuation and Gold at nearly half of its currency debasement valuation.  Ours indeed is to reason why — to seek reversion — for at some point it shall be nigh.  And historically, ’tis always arrived.

But now for the present, ’tis time to imbibe!  Thus from the entire deMeadville crew,  a most Golden New Year to All of You!

Santé !


and now on Twitter(“X”):  @deMeadvillePro

29 December 2023 – 09:17 Central Euro Time

Early on in the year’s final session we’ve at present the Swiss Franc, Gold and Copper above their respective Neutral Zones for today, whilst Silver is below same; volatility for the BEGOS Markets is light, with only the Swiss Franc having thus far exceeded 50% (now 56%) of its EDTR (see Market Ranges). By Market Trends, the “Baby Blues” for both the Bond and Spoo remain fairly glued to the ceiling. The S&P 500 (4783) is a day’s range from an all-time high (4819): despite the FinMedia rooting for such high, the Index obviously continues its fundamental trek as extremely overvalued by earnings (the “live” P/E now 46.7x), and the technical track is now 36 days (“textbook overbought”). The Econ Baro concludes its year with December’s Chi PMI. Gold appears firm in the upper 2000 handle: tomorrow’s 737th edition of The Gold Update gives our forecast high price for next year. Indeed: Happy New Year!

28 December 2023 – 09:41 Central Euro Time

The EuroCurrencies and Gold are at present above today’s Neutral Zones, whilst the Bond is below same; BEGOS Markets volatility is mostly light. The Swiss Franc is trading above 1.20 for the first time (save for its brief Euro-decoupling spike in January of 2015) since September of 2011. Gold is again teasing the 2100 level, the session high to this point being 2098: by Market Rhythms on a 10-test basis, various Gold studies populate the top of the consistency stack, notably for the 4hr, 6hr, 8hr and 12hr timeframes; and by Market Values, Gold (in real-time) is +51 points above its smooth valuation line. For the week’s light Econ Baro calendar, today’s metrics include Pending Home Sales for November.

27 December 2023 – 09:23 Central Euro Time

Both the Bond and Copper are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets all are within same, and volatility is again light. The S&P 500 is -44 points below its 4819 all-time high; the EDTR (see Market Ranges) for the Spoo is coincidentally 44 points; (for the S&P itself ’tis 38 points); the S&P is entering its 35th consecutive “textbook overbought” trading session, and the Spoo (in real-time) is +256 points above its smooth valuation line; (extreme too is the Bond now better than +7 points above same). The “live” P/E of the S&P is 46.3x and the yield 1.468% vs. 5.203% for three-month U.S. dough. By Market Trends, both Silver and Oil remain the only two components in 21-day linreg downtrends, albeit the latter’s “Baby Blues” are swiftly rising. Again the Econ Baro remains quiet until tomorrow.

26 December 2023 – 09:17 Central Euro Time

Into the shortened trading week we go with Gold at present above its Neutral Zone, as too are Silver, Copper and the Spoo; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is light. The Gold Update details an historically-based case for Gold to reach 2500 in the ensuing year. The S&P 500 looks to open higher toward entering its 34th consecutive trading day as “textbook oversold”; the “live” P/E adjusted to the futures is presently 45.7x. For tracking the Spoo, currently our best market rhythm for consistency (10-test basis) is the 8hr Moneyflow and (on a 24-test basis) the 15mn Parabolics. The Econ Baro has just three incoming metrics for this week, none due until Thursday.

The Gold Update: No. 736 – (23 December 2023) – “A Great Gift for Gold as It Climbs into Christmas”

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 736th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 23 December 2023 (published each Saturday) — www.deMeadville.com

A Great Gift for Gold as It Climbs into Christmas

You likely shan’t glean this from anywhere else, so here we go.  In this 23rd year of the 21st century, for these past five trading days leading up to Christmas, Gold recorded a net weekly gain of +1.5%, settling yesterday (Friday) at 2065.  For the same five-day stint in past years, percentage gains of better than +1.0% have occurred seven times, which begs the question, courtesy of our good man Squire:

So then, how well does Gold do the next year, mmb?

The answer is in the following gift box for Gold:


Therefore — at least historically so far this century — for the five-day run up to Christmas when price has netted a gain in excess of +1.0%, Gold’s “Average Maximum Gain” at some point through the end of the ensuing year is +23.9%, which from the present 2065 level suggests 2557 during 2024.  ‘Twould be a welcome, healthy step toward the current Gold Scoreboard’s valuation level of 3703.

“But, mmb, that valuation has been over 4000 in past, no?

Yes it absolutely has, Squire.  And ’tis based on Dollar debasement as mildly mitigated by the increase in the supply of Gold itself.  But as many-an-astute reader here knows, the U.S. liquid money supply (“M2”) from 15 April 2022 through today has shrunk from $22.05T to now $20.71T (-6.1%) whilst total Gold tonnage has simultaneously increased from 206,942 to 211,537 (+2.2%).  Such combined effect has thus been serving to reduce the Scoreboard’s valuation of Gold.  ‘Course given — again historically — that Gold’s actual price has eventually reached up to prior high valuation levels, one has much to look forward to by holding/increasing one’s pile.

Piling up too is Gold’s price per the weekly bars from one year ago-to-date, the blue-dotted parabolic Long trend now 10 weeks in length.  The Shorts (should there be any left following their having been all but obliterated two weeks ago) may see the rightmost few bars as “too high” above the positive dashed trendline, such as to warrant a ShortSide shot.  But given our foregoing on price’s firm follow-though upon gains into Christmas, we instead are broadly focused on Gold looking well up into next year … and beyond!

Then from the “(Almost) Everything is Up Because the Dollar is Down Dept.” — which as you know from our purview is due to the FinMedia (the boss) already having instructed the Federal Reserve (the stooge) to cut rates — here we’ve the five primary BEGOS Markets’ respective percentage tracks from one month ago (21 trading days)-to-date.  The Bond having been left for dead in October is clearly the winner whilst in the basement obviously is Oil as in mere years it shan’t be used any more.  “These food containers made out of wind are really cool!”  But we digress…  Here’s the graphic:

Blown down on balance certainly since October, albeit having lately garnered a bounce, is the Economic Barometer.  But did you catch on Thursday the Conference Board’s lagging indicator called “Leading Indicators” for November?  -0.5%, (no surprise as the Econ Baro is always leading such report).  Slipping too were the month’s New Home Sales, December’s Philly Fed Index (which has scored only two positive readings across the last 19 months), and Q3’s Gross Dometic Product getting finalized down a few pips.

Still, Personal Income and Spending both increased their paces during November, and the month’s so-called “Fed-Favoured” Core Personal Consumption Expenditures Index came in again at just a +0.1% pace.  The latter’s 12-month summation is +3.2%, the lowest since that as of April 2021.  Indeed for the Baro’s significant collection of 17 metrics this past week, 10 improved period-over-period.  Thus we’ve this:

And therein note ole St. Nick pointing down at the top of the S&P.  We’ve documented beyond ad nauseam the bazillion reasons for a major S&P correction, (e.g. “Stocks Suicide Mission” from just a week ago).  Further, we witnessed on Wednesday (as tweeted @deMeadvillePro)  a microcosm of how swiftly it can go.  From Friday (15 December) into Wednesday (20 December) the S&P 500 garnered three successive days of “higher highs” … then late-session Wednesday, those three days of gains were gone in just three hours.  Deeper into the numbers:  the pace at which stocks hit downside bids was nine times the pace they’d previously been hitting upside offers.   That is a fear-filled, comparatively monstrous downside pace.  True, it didn’t last long, and the S&P then rather messily tried to recover to close its week.  But it shows us just how thin is the ice on which the S&P is now skating.  Or to cue the popular Yes album from back in ’71: Fragile Oh yes, indeed:

We shan’t futher belabour the point of the unconscionably high S&P other than to (yet again) say:  the current “live” P/E is 45.6 (nearly double that of a decade ago); the market cap is $41.6T … the money supply is $20.7T; the yield is 1.479% (all-risk)  … for the U.S. T-Bill ’tis 5.208% (no-risk); and just in case you’re scoring at home, the Index is now 33 consecutive trading days “textbook overbought”.

(Oh, and this too on the off notion that for some silly reason you don’t have protective stops in place:  first S&P futures “limit down” is -7%, then -13%, then -20% … all on the same day).

Funny how through these recent years, broadly speaking the S&P (given unsupportive earnings) trades at double its value whereas Gold (given currency debasement) trades at half its value.  ‘Course, we’ll see who laughs last upon “means reversion”.

As to the “now”, here next is our two-panel display of Gold’s daily bars from three months ago-to-date on the left along with the 10-day Market Profile on the right.  ‘Twould appear Gold’s baby blue dots of trend consistency are nearly halting their fall; and in the Profile, present price appears protected by the 2048 level:

As for the same drill with Silver, her “Baby Blues” (at left) need to apply a bit more brake pressure, with her Profile (at right) indicative of trading support at 24.40 just below her 24.47 weekly settle.  “Hold that line”, Sister Silver!

Thus there we are with but four trading days remaining in 2023.  And as entitled, Gold’s pre-Chirstmas five-day gain at least by historical comparison is a great gift for the yellow metal going into next year.  ‘Course, next week we’ll be here with our wrap for the year and as to how 2024 may well appear.

So with a tip of the cap to our IT crew for voluntarily creating this lovely card from us…

…as they say ’round these parts: “Joyeux Noël !”  And give the gift of Gold!



and now on Twitter(“X”):  @deMeadvillePro

22 December 2023 – 09:57 Central Euro Time

Oil is the only BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light. By Market Trends, six of the eight components are in 21-day linreg uptrends components, (the two downtrends being for Silver and Oil). Per Market Rhythms, our most consistent on a 10-test is Gold’s 8hr MACD whilst on a 24-test basis ’tis the Yen’s (not yet a BEGOS Market) 2hr MACD. The Econ Baro concludes its busy week with November’s Personal Income/Spending, “Fed-favoured” Core PCE, Durable Orders, New Homes Sales, and revision to December’s UofM Sentiment Survery. Merry Christmas to everyone everywhere!

21 December 2023 – 18:04 Central Euro Time

Apologies, we just noted that this morning’s post obviously didn’t “make the trip”. The thrust therein was the S&P 500 yesterday giving up the prior three days’ gains in just three hours. The Index is trying to firm today, but is coming off as we type. Still, save for the Bond and Oil, the balance of the other six BEGOS Markets are higher today. The Econ Baro took a dip today on weakness in Jobless claims, Q3 GDP revision, Philly Fed and Leading Indicataors.

20 December 2023 – 09:10 Central Euro Time

Both the Bond and Copper are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; below same is the Euro, and volatility is quite light, the largest EDTR (see Market Ranges) to this point being that of the Euro at 48%. Going ’round the Market Values horn of the five primary BEGOS Markets (in real-time): the Bond is better than +8 points “high” above its smooth valuation line, the Euro less than +0.01 points “high”, Gold +38 points “high”, Oil -3.24 points “low”, and the Spoo +298 points “high”, the Index itself having recorded its 30th consecutive trading day as “textbook overbought”. For the Econ Baro we’ve December’s Consumer Confidence, November’s Existing Home Sales and Q3’s Current Account Deficit. –> We sadly learned yesterday of the passing of Bob “MeBob” Falk, a fine and well-known trading colleague over many years as far back as the 1990s at Avid Trader. He shall be missed, and we extend our sincere condolences to his entire family.

19 December 2023 – 09:38 Central Euro Time

At present we’ve the Bond, Euro and Copper above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility remains light, (save for non-BEGOS Yen which already has traced 121% of its EDTR [see Market Ranges for the BEGOS components]). At Market Ranges we continue to watch for the Bond’s “Baby Blues” to let go to the downside: however, they’ve remained pasted to the ceiling for better than a full month as price continues to rise. The “live” P/E of the S&P 500 (fut’s-adj’d) is 45.8x and the Index’s “textbook oversold” condition now enters its 30th consecutive trading day. The Econ Baro looks to Novembers’ Housing Starts/Permits.

18 December 2023 – 08:59 Central Euro Time

Both the Euro and Spoo are at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is again light. The Gold Update emphasizes the dangerously high level of the S&P 500 by a whole host of measures; whereas Gold itself whilst weathering some post All-Time-High pullback nonetheless remains in a more broadly bullish stance. At Market Rhythms, the most consistent on a 10-test basis is Gold’s 8hr MACD, and a 24-test basis the Yen’s (not yet an official BEGOS Market) 2hr MACD. The Econ Baro begins its busy week (17 incoming metrics!) with December’s NAHB Housing Index.

The Gold Update: No. 735 – (16 December 2023) – “Gold’s Upside Fruition; Stocks’ Suicide Mission”

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 735th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 16 December 2023 (published each Saturday) — www.deMeadville.com

Gold’s Upside Fruition; Stocks’ Suicide Mission

Yes, ’tis The Gold Update, but we’re compelled (as occasionally is our wont) to start with stocks’ suicide mission, given Gold in upside fruition (albeit still vastly undervalued) is doing just fine, thank you very much.

What is with this stock market, eh?  As a great friend (with a long stint at basically the very top of a household-name investment bank … but we’ll maintain anonymity in this case) here recently remarked“The stupidest people on Wall Street are the pension fund managers.”

Ya think? Pros and rubes alike are throwing money like Pavlov’s drooling dogs on steroids into an S&P 500 index that is so beyond overvalued, further adjectives escape us.  ‘Course as we’ve tweeted (@deMeadvillePro):  mind the website’s S&P 500 MoneyFlow page to assess if the buying actually has substance.

Still, we hear that apps with names like “Robinhood” allow for incredibly easy stock market access such that everyone’s gonna keep on buying and thus stocks shall only go even higher.  To us that sounds more like being “robbed in the hood” as when the selling starts, the compounding of such shall overwhelm anything Wall Street and the World have ever seen.  Because as you regular readers know:  “The money isn’t there.”

By the numbers:

  • A dozen years ago in 2011, the market capitalization of the S&P 500 exceeded the U.S. liquid “M2” Money Supply by +29%; as of yesterday, that excess is +100%, the market cap now $41.3T versus an M2 of but $20.7T.  (Wanna cause The Crash?  Fax that last sentence over to CNBS for all the rubes watching their boob tubes).


  • Per yesterday’s (Friday’s) S&P settle at 4719, ’tis precisely -100 points (or just -2.1%) below the all-time intraday high of 4819 set on 04 Janaury 2022; the current “expected daily trading range” for the S&P is now 34 points, meaning a new all-time high can be reached within 3 trading days, just in time for Christmas.


  • The number of consecutive trading days the S&P has been “textbook overbought” (a 44-year concoction of John Bollinger’s Bands, along with Relative Strength and Stochastics) is now 28 which is in the 93rd percentile of all such overbought conditions since the year 1980.
  • Present all-risk S&P 500 annualized dividend yield:  1.475%.  Present no-risk U.S. 3-Month annualized T-Bill yield:  5.225%.  (Why is this so hard to grasp?)  “Because, mmb, T-Bills aren’t gonna double in price…” Just like stock’s can’t get halved, eh Squire?  (‘Preciate the tee-up).
  • The “live” price/earnings ratio of the S&P settled the week at 44.9x; that is essentially double the 66-year average P/E of 22.8x (Shiller “CAPE” into deMeadville post-2012) and +77% up from when our “live” deMeadville version was instituted those 11 years ago at 25.4x:


  • Next, too, we’ve the S&P’s 50-year regression channel as plotted from 1973 up to COVID (the red vertical line) from which the channel’s trend is extended-to-date, suggesting the S&P “ought” today be at best sub-3000 rather than the current 4719:


By the numbers indeed, the most daunting being lack of price-supportive earnings — and far worse — the lack of money when it all goes wrong.

The good news is:  irrespective of the S&P’s ominous (understatement) overvaluation, the market is never wrong.  The bad news is: the market always reverts to its broadest measures of mean.  And should your use your trusty Pickett slide rule to do such reversion math, an S&P “correction” of -50% wouldn’t be untoward a wit.  We merely await the FinMedia coming up with the catalyst, of which there are a multitude from which to choose, (see our 09 July missive that cited “Stocks’ 10 Crash Catalysts”), or to quote Bill Cowper from away back in 1785:  “Variety is the spice of life”.  And our sense remains “Look Ma!  No Money!” shall be the ultimate crash driver.  The Federal Reserve can then double the money supply to cover what the investment banks cannot credit to you after having sold your stock, the price of Gold at least doubles beyond where it already “ought” be (see the opening Gold Scoreboard), and on we go.

And thus to Gold let’s Go!  In settling this past week at 2034, Gold is -118 points below its 04 December All-Time High of 2152.  Regardless, price just completed its fourth up week of the last five, such fruition from the foresight to be “in” rather than face being fried upon stocks’ suicide.  Here we’ve Gold’s weekly bars from one year ago-to-date, the current parabolic Long trend now nine weeks in duration.  But don’t worry, should you deem that as too long:  the longest such Long trend this century lasted 26 weeks back in 2005, which was preceded by a like 25-week stint in 2004 and later by a 24-week run in 2019.  In fact from the year 2001-to-date, Gold has recorded eight parabolic Long trends of 20 or more weeks.  Which is why we say: “When Gold goes, it Goes!”  To the graphic with Sly we go:

But wait, there’s more:  for can the Economic Barometer also go higher?  Hat-tip Media Research Center in canvassing ABC News to discover that we’re wrong, for President Biden’s economy “is really wonderful” … even as the StateSide Treasury Deficit for November alone rocketed +26% “on higher interest costs”.  Do we again cue BTO’s You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet –[’73]?  How about the month’s core retail inflation increasing from a +0.2% clip in October to now +0.3%?  Fortunately favouring the Fed’s rate cut musings, the New York State Empire Index faceplanted from November’s +9.1 reading to -14.5 for December:  “Smunch!”  Here’s the Econ Baro representing the whole bunch:

All-in-all as to when to cut its Funds rate, the Fed now awaits the go-ahead from the FinMedia, (given the recent paradigm in which they oversee the Fed).  And yet, credit still is due November’s Retail Sales with a month-over-month whirl-round from -0.1% to +0.3% whilst Industrial Production similarly got going from October’s -0.6% sag to bag +0.2% for November.

Meanwhile countering Gold’s post-All-Time-High price drag, both precious metals have resumed showing some swag.  Below we’ve the two-panel graphic of daily bars across the past three-months-to- date for Gold on the left and for Silver on the right.  To be sure, the baby blue dots of the yellow metal’s trend consistency are still slipping, but with less acceleration, whilst those for the white metal have at least paused their fall.  And of course, the broader three-month trend across both panels is obviously up:

Then too we’ve the 10-day Market Profiles for Gold (below left) and for Silver (below right).  Despite Gold’s 164-point trading range these last two weeks, clearly the home of trading volume price consensus is right there at 2047.  And in Silver’s case, same is her 24.15-24.45 zone: 

Time we go to wrap with:

The Gold Stack
Gold’s Value per Dollar Debasement, (from our opening “Scoreboard”):  3704
Gold’s All-Time Intra-Day High:  2152 (04 December 2023)
2023’s High:  2152 (04 December)
Gold’s All-Time Closing High:  2092 (01 December 2023)
The 2000’s Triple-Top:  2089 (07 Aug ’20); 2079 (08 Mar ’22); 2085 (04 May ’23)
Trading Resistance:  2047 / 2087 / 2016
10-Session “volume-weighted” average price magnet:  2042
Gold Currently:  2034, (expected daily trading range [“EDTR”]: 33 points)
Trading Support:  2021 / 2012 / 1997
10-Session directional range:  down to 1988 (from 2152) = -164 points or -7.6%
The Weekly Parabolic Price to flip Short:  1917
The 300-Day Moving Average:  1909 and rising
The Gateway to 2000:  1900+
2023’s Low:  1811 (28 February)
The Final Frontier:  1800-1900
The Northern Front:  1800-1750
On Maneuvers:  1750-1579
The Floor:  1579-1466
Le Sous-sol:  Sub-1466
The Support Shelf:  1454-1434
Base Camp:  1377
The 1360s Double-Top:  1369 in Apr ’18 preceded by 1362 in Sep ’17
Neverland:  The Whiny 1290s
The Box:  1280-1240

And please do not fall afoul of the following … ’tis coming:

Go with your Gold!



and now on Twitter(“X”):  @deMeadvillePro

15 December 2023 – 09:29 Central Euro Time

The Euro is at present below today’s Neutral Zone whilst above same are both Copper and the Spoo; BEGOS Markets volatility is mostly light. The S&P 500 looks to open at about 4730, some -90 points below the all-time high (4819); the “live” P/E (fut’s-adj’d) is now 45.0x. ‘Tis volume rollover today from December to March for the EuroCurrencies. Looking at Market Values for the five primary BEGOS components: the Bond shows as nearly 9 points “high” above the smooth valuation line; the Euro is about -0.01 points “low”; Gold is +47 points “high”; Oil is -7 points “low”, and the Spoo is (deep breath) +310 points “high”. The Econ Baro wraps its week with December’s NY State Empire Index along with November’s IndProd/CapUtil.

14 December 2023 – 09:07 Central Euro Time

The Bond, Copper and Spoo are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is moderate. Yesterday’s S&P 500 rally again did not have full MoneyFlow support (Index +1.4% vs. Flow +1.0%); too the S&P is now quite frothy as the Flow factor to move the S&P by 1 point is notably diminishing. Gold’s firm up push yesterday moved our top three Market Rhythms for consistency (10-test basis) as follows (all for Gold): the 12hr Parabolics, 6hr Price Oscillator and same study for 4hr. Oil’s cac volume is moving from January into that for February. The Econ Baro looks to November’s Retail Sales and Ex/Im Prices, plus October’s Business Inventories.

13 December 2023 – 09:13 Central Euro Time

The Bond at present is above today’s Neutral Zone; both Copper and Oil are below same, and BEGOS Markets volatility is again light with the FOMC’s Policy Statement in the balance. The S&P 500 completed its 25th consecutive trading day as “textbook overbought”; the “live” P/E (futs-adj’d) is 44.5x; at 4644, the Index stands -174 points (-3.8%) below its 4819 all-time high (04 January 2022); the Spoo (including the recent +55 points of fresh March premium) is nonetheless +260 points above its smooth valuation line (see Market Values). Ahead of the Fed comes November’s wholesale inflation per the PPI.

12 December 2023 – 09:03 Central Euro Time

We’ve strength this morning in the Bond and EuroCurrencies, with session volatility notably light, save for the Swiss Franc having already traced 53% of its EDTR (see Market Ranges). Both the Swiss Franc and Gold confirmed their “Baby Blues” (see Market Trends) slipping below their +80% axes, suggestive of still lower prices near-term. Despite yesterday’s +0.4% rise in the S&P 500, its MoneyFlow (regressed into S&P points) fell -0.8%, reflected in the developing negative slant we’re seeing at the MoneyFlow page; too, the Index is now “textbook overbought” through the past 24 trading days. The Econ Baro awaits November’s CPI and Treasury Budget.

11 December 2023 – 09:08 Central Euro Time

Save for Oil (+0.6% at 71.67), the other seven BEGOS Markets are all at present in the red; session volatility is light. The Gold Update sees safe downside for the yellow metal toward 1975 without causing any concern for the overall uptrend(s); still by Market Trends, Gold’s “Baby Blues” are in real-time dropping below their key +80 axis, warranting a price move sub-2000. Of greater concern is misfortune in the making for the S&P which remains inanely overextended both fundamentally (unsupportive earnings) and technically (beyond “overbought”). Spoo volume today is rolling from the December cac into that for March, with an additional +52 points of fresh premium. The Econ Baro is quiet, albeit with an ample load of metrics as the balance of the week unfolds.

The Gold Update: No. 734 – (09 December 2023) – “Gold-Record’s Calamity; Stocks’ Stark Misfortune-to-Be”

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 734th Edition — Monte-Carlo — 09 December 2023 (published each Saturday) — www.deMeadville.com

Gold-Record’s Calamity; Stocks’ Stark Misfortune-to-Be

British Prime Minister (1874-1880) Benjamin Disraeli is infamously quoted in reference to the leader of Parliament’s Opposition:  If Gladstone fell into the Thames, that would be a misfortune; and if anybody pulled him out, that, I suppose, would be a calamity.”

And whilst misfortune for the stock market is well overdue to ensue, with respect to Gold, calamity is descriptively apropos following the second consecutive daily record high of 2152 achieved this past Monday (04 December) … following which it all went a bit wobbly, price settling out the week yesterday (Friday) at 2021.

To be sure, a week ago we acknowledged Gold’s “Finally!” having recorded a fresh All-Time High of 2096 on 01 December, a milestone comprehensively missed by the FinMedia.  A watchful reader even wrote to us:  “Nothing in Barron’s or WSJ…”  But then herein penned last week “…new highs in major financial markets tend to draw in the “mo-mo” crowd…” and in turn, Gold on Monday left no doubt in shredding the Shorts all the way up to 2152.  ‘Twas a beautiful thing, albeit then came calamity as highlighted here:

However:  let’s couch calamity in context.  Oh yes, this past Monday’s reversal of -114 points from 2152-to-2038 across just 16 hours ranked as Gold’s fifth-worst same-day high-to-low points plunge century-to-date; but by percentage, such -5.3% intra-day drop ranked only 34th-worst.  Which for you WestPalmBeachers down there means the prior 33 even worse same-day percentage drops all eventually led to All-Time Highs for Gold, (i.e. the trend is your friend given Gold eventually goes all the way back up — and then some — as we just saw.)

Further, Gold’s dominant trends all remain up:  that includes the key 21-day linear regression trend, and as we below see both the year-over-year dashed regression trend along with the rightmost weekly blue-dotted parabolic Long trend, now a healthy eight weeks in duration and accelerating upward:

“But Silver took quite a hit, eh mmb?” 

‘Twas the case, Squire.  Gold’s net fall for the week of -3.4% pales in comparison to Silver’s net -9.9% weekly shellacking, her worst since that ending 14 October 2022.  This in turn blasted the Gold/Silver ratio from 80.8x just a week ago up to now 86.8x.  Fortunately, Sister Silver still has plenty of weekly parabolic Long trend cushion beneath her, present price being 23.29 vs. the flip-to-Short level now 21.07.

Speaking of taking a hit, you regular readers and website followers have witnessed that taken of late by the Economic Barometer.  So much so that the now-defunct Funkin’ Waggnalls might have defined “straight down” as “The Econ Baro”.

But the Baro did get a bit of a boost on Friday from better payrolls data for November:  net job creation beat both “expectations” as well as the October increase; the pace of Hourly Earnings doubled from +0.2% to +0.4%; the Average Workweek grew; and the Unemployment Rate fell by -0.2% from 3.9% to 3.7%.  

Now a month-over-month drop of -0.2% in Unemployment may not seem like much, but ’twas the second-best monthly improvement since the April 2022 reading.  ‘Course the ADP Employment data actually worsened for November, (but Labor’s data survey is better, depending upon “who’s in office”, right?).  Then how about that University of Michigan “Go Blue!” Sentiment Survey:  from November’s 61.3 to 69.4 for December!  And The Wolverines are ranked Number One in StateSide collegiate football!  How great a picture is this?  (Well, maybe not…).  We’ll see what the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee has to say next Wednesday (13 December):

Thus we’ve covered calamity following Gold’s record high — and to an ongoing extent — same for the above Econ Baro.  But what about (as entitled) misfortune-to-be for the stock market?  After all the FinMedia appears all-in for an S&P 500 record high (above 4819 vs. the current 4608 level).  To wit, Dow Jones Newswires just reported “The VIX says stocks are ‘reliably in a bull market’ heading into 2024…”  So clearly no one has done the math as to the stock market’s usual demise when the VIX is this low (12.35 at Friday’s settle).  And yet by the website’s S&P 500 menu, we’ve still yet to see any true “fear” in the MoneyFlow, even as we tweeted so (@deMeadvillePro) this past Tuesday.

Further, we’ve herein on occasion enumerated a number of factors continuing to be present for it all to go wrong for stocks, notably the ongoing lack of earnings support.  Yet as a long-time reader wrote in this past week:  “It hasn’t been about EPS for a long time. It’s all about stock price.”   And we comprehensively agree.  That is because “It’s different this time” … just as ’tis always been different prior to every one of the stock market’s true crashes; (e.g. in our lifetime:  27 August 1987, 24 March 2000, 11 October 2007, and 19 February 2020, not to mention the myriad of other double-digit “corrections” therein).  Imagine the 38 roulette slots (or 37 here in Europe) having their numbers replaced with S&P 500 constituent symbols.  “Half on NVDA and half on AMZN!”  … “Le jeux sont FAIT, Monsieur, rien ne va PLUS!”  That’s where we are today.

Not to belabour the point, but we have a question.  What are companies such as Advanced Micro Devices (AMD, p/e 1,003.3x), Ceridian HCM (CDAY, p/e 2,593.4x), Ventas (VTR, p/e 3,593.8x) et alia even doing in the S&P 500?  How about the Index’s 34 constituents not even making money?  Reprise the late, great Vince Lombardi:  “What the hell’s goin’ on out there?!?!?” (Friendly reminder:  US liquid Money Supply [“M2”] now $20.7T; S&P 500 market capitalization now $40.2T; have a nice day).

Stark misfortune-to-be, indeed.  By any historical yardstick, the is S&P is so significantly overstretched ’tis stunning that it hasn’t yet steeply succumbed.  But until it does — and ’twill — as is our wont to say, the Investing Age of Stoopid merrily rolls on its way.

Meanwhile not so merrily rolling downward this past week were the precious metals.  First to Gold’s two-panel graphic of the daily bars from three months ago-to-date on the left and 10-day Market Profile on the right.  Earlier we mentioned Gold’s key 21-day linear regression trend as being up, which ’tis; however, its baby blue dots of trend “consistency” are just now kinking over to the downside, suggestive of still lower prices near term.  Yet by pricing structure, we don’t see too much further damage beyond the present 2021 level down to 1975.  But by the Profile for now, the mid-2040s clearly show as trading volume resistance:

Similar is Silver’s two-panel slate.  Her “Baby Blues” (at left) already have departed below their key +80% axis; price presently as noted at 23.29, her safety support structure ranges from 23.88 down to 21.93.  ‘Course by her Profile (at right), Sister Silver hardly is the happiest camper:

We’ll close it here with another FinMedia bemusement.  The once-mighty now ratings-floundering CNN ran on Gold’s record-high Monday with:  Gold has never been this expensive.”  With all due respect to the network’s writers and editorial staff, Gold remains extraordinarily cheap“Expensive” was back in 2011 when Gold’s price growth was outpacing U.S. Dollar debasement, (recall our then writing about “Gold having gotten ahead of itself”).  But for the chump news-droolers out there, the price of Gold last Monday reached its highest level ever at 2152 … yet valued today at 3705, Gold is cheap!  What’s inanely “expensive” (understatement) is the stock market.  And thus we wrap with this favourite graphic:

Stay with your Gold!



and now on Twitter(“X”):  @deMeadvillePro

08 December 2023 – 09:12 Central Euro Time

‘Tis StateSide November Payrolls day for the Econ Baro, and at present seven of the eight BEGOS Markets are within their Neutral Zones, the only outlier being Oil above same; the latter appears trying to firm ’round the 70 handle. Session volatility is light, (except again for the non-BEGOS component Yen which has traced 119% of its EDTR as the BOJ interest rate play continues). The S&P 500 is now “textbook overbought” through the past 22 trading days and the “live” P/E is 43.3x; however, the recent MoneyFlow deterioration has (for the moment) righted itself, indicative of money being thrown at a terrifically expensive stock market. In addition to jobs data, the Baro also looks to December’s UofM Sentiment Survey.

07 December 2023 – 09:11 Central Euro Time

The Bond is at present below its Neutral Zone for today, whilst above same is Copper; BEGOS Markets volatility is again mostly light with the non-BEGOS exception of the Yen which already has traced 145% of its EDTR (see Market Ranges for the standard BEGOS components). Gold has calmed from its wild Monday ride: currently 2047, by the Market Profile we’ve resistance notably in the 2062-2065 zone, with supports right round current price, plus at 2036-2034, 2023 and 2014. A day ahead of Payrolls data for the Econ Baro, today’s metrics include October’s Wholesale Inventories and Consumer Credit.

06 December 2023 – 09:13 Central Euro Time

Gold, Copper and the Spoo are at present above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is mostly light. Going ’round the horn for the five primary BEGOS components at Market Values, we’ve (in real-time): the Bond +6.5 points “high” above its smooth its smooth valuation line, the Euro “in line”, Gold +57 points “high”, Oil -9.5 points “low” and the Spoo +206 points “high”. The S&P 500 is now “textbook overbought” through the last 20 trading days; the “live” P/E is 42.3x. For the Econ Baro we’ve November’s ADP Employment data, October’s Trade Deficit, and the revision to Q3’s Productivity and Unit Labor Costs.

05 December 2023 – 08:59 Central Euro Time

After achieving an All-Time High yesterday at 2152, Gold’s subsequent -113 intraday points drop ranks 5th-worst century-to-date; however the -5.3% drop ranks just 34th worst intraday. At present, the Euro, Copper and Spoo are below today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are above same, and volatility has returned to mostly light. Our most consistent Market Rhythm at present (10-test swing basis) is Gold’s 4hr Price Oscillator. As anticipated, the Euro’s “Baby Blues” (see Market Trends) confirmed falling below the key +80% axis, indicative of lower prices near-term. And the Econ Baro looks to November’s ISM(Svc) Index.

04 December 2023 – 09:12 Central Euro Time

After setting an All-Time High on Friday (to 2096, settle 2092), Gold spiked overnight some +50 points, only to since return below Friday’s settle. At present ’tis red across the board for all eight BEGOS Markets, and volatility is robust. More details on to where the yellow metal can go near-to-medium term in The Gold Update, (which too outlines the case for an S&P “crash”). Note at the website the S&P 500 Moneyflow differential beginning to weaken, oft a precursor to lower price levels. Due for the Econ Baro is October’s Factory Orders.

The Gold Update: No. 733 – (02 December 2023) – “Gold: Finally!”

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 733rd Edition — Monte-Carlo — 02 December 2023 (published each Saturday) — www.deMeadville.com

Gold:  Finally!

If you caught last Tuesday’s tweet (@deMeadvillePro, Gold then 2042) you saw where this was going:  “Santa clearly is contemplating a new all-time Gold high by Christmas. ‘Twould be 2075 spot a/o 2089 FebFuts. (On verra…)” 

And so for Gold, as the expression goes, “Santa came early this year.”  In settling the week yesterday (Friday) at 2092, February Gold (the current “front month”) en route traded to as high as 2096, +7 points above the prior “front month” 2089 All-Time High that had been in place since 07 August 2020.  Spot Gold, too, exceeded its prior All-Time High of 2074 in trading as high as 2076.  Finally!  ‘Tis a beautiful thing.

‘Course, you astute readers of The Gold Update fully realize that this year we did not forecast a specific high price, (which for you WestPalmBeachers down there is why the above Gold Scoreboard has stated “No Forecast” throughout 2023).  Nonetheless, early in the year we expressed our anticipation of Gold by year-end at least achieving a new All-Time High: Whoomp! (There It Is) –[Tag Team, ’93]

To wit, as herein penned back on New Year’s Day:  “…how do we forecast a high for 2023? Linearly we don’t … as for uncharted territory above Gold’s All-Time High (2089 of 07 August 2020) that’s for the Fibonacci-obsessed.”  

True, we from time-to-time dabble in “fib retracement” for establishing trading targets.  However, we avoid the Sybilistic art of future “fib extension”:  for us ’tis too Timothy Leary, to whom President Nixon in ’70 purportedly referred as “the most dangerous man in America”, (only to then to nix the Gold standard a year later).  That from the “Now Look Who’s Talkin’ Dept.” … but we digress.

Given Gold’s fresh All-Time High is finally in hand, let’s take a realistic crack at “How high from here?” for the yellow metal.  After all, new highs in major financial markets tend to draw in the “mo-mo” crowd, albeit for Gold, its notorious triple top across the past three years ain’t drawn squat.  And let’s be honest:  Gold’s new high at present is marginal at best.

“But it’s only been one day, mmb…” 

‘Twouldn’t be a landmark missive without our beloved Squire.  Still, such marginal high can cue the Gold Shorts, which from the “Party Pooper Dept.” may swiftly remind us that following the aforementioned 2089 high came the 2079 high on 08 March 2022 and then the 2085 high this past 04 May.  Thus in the Shorts’ words, “There’s nothing to see here” in their anticipation of it again all going wrong for Gold.

Yet as we’ve oft quipped of late, “triple tops are meant to be broken”.  And marginally or otherwise, that just happened.  Moreover as herein penned one week ago regarding December’s monthly net changes:  “…the last six [have been]:  +2.6%, +4.5%, +3.4%, +6.4%, +2.9% and +3.8% from 2017 through 2022 respectively…”  That is an average net December change of +3.9%, which from November’s 2056 futures settle would bring 2136 by New Year.

But wait, there’s optimistically more.  Century-to-date Gold has recorded 5,767 trading days, 252 of which have elicited All-Time Highs.  Now obviously it doesn’t “feel” like Gold averages a new high every 23 trading days:  indeed therein the standard deviation is 155 days, the longest stint between All-Time Highs being 2,237 days from 06 September 2011 to 27 July 2020 (whew!) even as the U.S. Money Supply (“M2”) simultaneously increased +90.2% (whoa!)

Nevertheless to our point:  for those 252 All-Time High days, the average maximum increase in the price of Gold within the enusing three months is +8.9%; or if you prefer, the median maximum price increase is +7.9%.  Either way, “in that vacuum” from the present 2092 level would put Gold in the 2257-2278 range by February’s end, (just in case you’re scoring at home).  ‘Course, hardly is “average” reality, but it at least gives us some measure of reasonable upside guidance for Gold through these next three months.

Of greater import however is that Gold’s new high remains peanuts vis-à-vis its currency debasement valuation, depicted in the opening Scoreboard as now 3707, i.e. +77% above here, even accounting for the increase in the supply of Gold itself.  Which got us to questionhow long does it typically take for the price of Gold to double?  Here’s the answer from one price’s “century mark” to the next:

Thus discounting that most recent long 12.4-year stint, Gold from the year 2002 has doubled in value on average every 3.7 years, (inclusive of the above table’s overlapping periods).  So to achieve that 3707 valuation level in four years’ time is not unrealistic a wit.  Which of course begs another questionwill there even be a U.S. Dollar in four years’ time?  Our coy answer:  ’tis oft said “Gold has been money for 5,000 years”; the disintegrating Federal Reserve Note just 109 years.  Poof!

But there’s no poofing nor pooh-poohing Gold’s fresh All-Time High.  To all those fellow “analysts” just some months ago calling for Gold Shorts down toward 1500-1100, here we are instead at 2092 per the following chart of Gold’s weekly bars and parabolic trends.  So do not be that guy:

Neither let us forget Silver.  Severely lagging Gold of late, Silver’s weekly parabolic trend only just confirmed flipping from Short to Long per yesterday’s 25.90 settle, (Gold’s Long trend having been in place now through seven weeks).  And unlike Gold being at its All-Time High, Silver is -47.9% below her All-Time High of 49.82 established away back on 25 April 2011.  Again:  do not forget Sister Silver!

Looking ever more forgettable however is the StateSide Economic Barometer.  It’s one-month (21 trading days) plunge from 02 November through yesterday is the most since 27 May 2022, following which the S&P 500 fell -11.8% from 4158 to 3667 in just 13 trading days.  That being an exception, as we’ve otherwise acknowledged since COVID, the good news is the S&P no longer follows the Econ Baro, so again “There’s nothing to see here.”  See for yourself:

Indeed, of the 49 metrics that have come into the Baro across the past 21 trading days, just 16 improved period-over-period.  It thus appears the Fed is well enroute to successfully attaining its slow-growth goal … but given FedChair Powell’s commentary yesterday, they apparently don’t know it (yet).

As for the “we never go down” S&P 500, it has displaced Gold in leading the BEGOS Markets’ percentage changes year-to-date as we go to the standings with 11 months plus one trading day in the books; both the yellow and white metals round out the present podium: 

And specific to the S&P 500, we wrote this past week to a fine friend and colleague as follows:  “…S&P is ridiculously overbought and horribly overvalued … The set up [for a crash] clearly is there … but of course, ‘tis different this time (right?)…”

‘Tis ad nauseum for you regular readers, but we’ll keep pounding the table on this:

  • The “live” P/E of the S&P per Friday’s close is 42.6x (don’t argue; do the math);
  • The average “live” P/E of the top 50 cap-weighted S&P constituents is 52.6x;
  • The S&P is now “textbook overbought” through 18 consecutive trading days;
  • The S&P’s all-to-risk yield is 1.528%; that of the risk-free US three-month T-Bill is 5.215%;
  • The Q3 S&P Earnings Season ranks only 12th of the past 26 for bottom-line improvement;
  • The S&P “sans COVID” by 50-year regression would today be about 2900, not 4595.

Got stocks?  Scary, really, really scary!

The exception of course is if you’ve precious metals’ stocks, the following graphic suggesting their being well undervalued vis-à-vis Gold itself, even as it too remains debasedly undervalued.  Again it being month-end plus a day, here are the year-over-year percentage tracks of those key metals equities from worst-to-first:   Franco-Nevada (FNV) -23%, Newmont (NEM) -13%, both Pan American Silver (PAAS) and the Global X Silver Miners exchange-traded fund (SIL) -1%, Agnico Eagle Mines (AEM) +8%, the VanEck Vectors Gold Miners exchange-traded fund (GDX) +10%, and Gold itself +17%.  And in the perfect Equities/Gold leveraged world, Gold “ought be” the lowest rather than highest line on this graphic:

Got metals stocks?  Merry, really, really merry!

Further, if you’ve been long any of the BEGOS Components across at least the past month — again save for Oil — the rising tide of inflation has been lifting all boats.  Here we’ve their respective bars and diagonal trendlines for the past 21 trading days, the consistency of those trends as depicted by the baby blue dots.  Note for the Euro the “Baby Blues” suggesting lower levels ahead:

Next we’ve the 10-day Market Profiles for record-high Gold on the left and Silver on the right.  The denoted bars are those with the greatest volume-traded support from 17 November through yesterday:

Naturally it being month-end plus a December day, here is Gold’s Structure by the monthly bars for the past 12 years.  And yes, Virginia, just as there is a Santa Claus, so too as noted are triple tops meant to be broken.  Et voilà.  Thus in turn Gold is at anAll Time High –[Rita Coolidge, ’83]:

To wrap this rather epic edition of The Gold Update, “We have breaking news…”

“Bring it on, mmb…” 

Thank you, Squire.  Direct from the “We’re Completely Gobsmacked Dept.” here ’tis:

Last evening we were all eyes on Gold when at precisely 18:28 GMT price recorded the new All-Time High of 2089.3, surpassing 2089.2 which as you well-know had been in place as the prior high since 07 August 2020. Some three-and-one-half hours later at 22:00 GMT price settled also at an All-Time Closing High of 2091.7.

Curious as to how our FinMedia friends would portray this great event, we went to Bloomy’s home page, obviously expecting it to be the lead story.  But it wasn’t there.  Worse, it was no where to be found their home page!  So we instead zoomed over to Dow Jones Newswires’ Marketwatch home page.  It must be at the top, right?  Wrong!  Rather, the lead stories were on “The Dow”, “Bitcoin” and “GameStop”.  Where is the Gold story?  We enabled a MW home page search for “Gold”:  first find was Goldman; second find was again Goldman; third find was “Gold” … buried deep down the page amongst the “click-bait” ads for chumps, with the barest of mention of the new high.

But we really and truly learned something from this:  Gold now is of no material media importance whatsoever.  Who cares, right?  The sad part is:  when they finally figure it out (upon everyone morphing from marked-to-market millionaires to marked-to-reality impoverisheds) ’twill be too late.

Still, perhaps the late Leary would have gotten it:

“But his was of the Acapulco type, mmb…” 

Likely the case there, Squire.  As for the real thing, ’tis at an All-Time High and yet it remains unspeakably undervalued.  That’s really all you need to know.

Got GoldGot SilverGot a wealth-preserved Future!



and now on Twitter(“X”):  @deMeadvillePro

01 December 2023 – 09:16 Central Euro Time

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present within their respective Neutral Zones for today, and volatility is light. Gold appears rather hesitant just below record-high territory: FedFuts are 2060; the record high is 2089; but by Market Values, price is (in real-time) +73 points above its smooth valuation line; still by Market Trends, Gold is firmly in an uptrend, the “Baby Blues” therein continuing to climb; again a comprehensive assessment in tomorrow’s Gold Update. The S&P 500 is now “textbook overbought” through 17 consecutive trading sessions: the “live” P/E is a futs-adj’d 43.0x. The Econ Baro concludes its week with November’s ISM(Mfg) Index and October’s Construction Spending.

30 November 2023 – 09:21 Central Euro Time

At present, just Copper is the only BEGOS Market outside (above) its Neutral Zone for today; volatility again is light-to-moderate. As tweeted (@deMeadvillePro) on Tuesday: “Santa clearly is contemplating a new all-time Gold high by Christmas. ‘Twould be 2075 spot a/o 2089 FebFuts. (On verra…)” Price since has reached 2073 (FebFuts); more in this coming Saturday edition of the Gold Update. Looking at Market Rhythms, the most consistent at present are (on a 10-test basis) the Yen’s (not yet an official BEGOS component) 1hr Price Oscillator and 2hr Moneyflow, and Gold’s 4hr Price Oscillator; on a 24-test basis we’ve the Yen’s 15mn MACD along with Gold’s 30mn MACD and 30mn Price Oscillator. ‘Tis a busy day for the Econ Baro, including November’s Chi PMI, plus October’s Pending Home Sales, Personal Income/Spending, and the “Fed-favoured” Core PCE Index.

29 November 2023 – 09:17 Central Euro Time

The Bond is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) its Neutral Zone; session volatility is light-to-moderate. After flipping from Long-to-Short, the Bond’s daily parabolics whip-sawed back to Long: however, we’re minding the Bond’s “Baby Blues” (see Market Trends) for their breaking below the key +80% axis. Going ’round the Market Values horn for the primary BEGOS components, in real-time we’ve the Bond nearly +6 points “high” above the smooth valuation line, the Euro +0.0316 points “high”, Gold +64 points “high”, Oil -7.17 points “low”, and the Spoo a whopping +253 points “high”. The Econ Baro awaits the second peek at Q3 GDP. And late in the session comes the Fed’s Tan Tome.

28 November 2023 – 09:15 Central Euro Time

All eight BEGOS Markets are at present within their respective Neutral Zones for today; session volatility is light. Gold’s cac volume is rolling from December into February, with +20 points of premium; other rollovers in process include Silver, Copper and the Bond, all from December into March. As anticipated, the Bond’s “Baby Blues” (see Market Trends) are teasing their +80% axis: confirmation below that level is suggestive of weaker prices near-term; too, the Bond’s daily Parabolics confirmed flipping from Long to Short effective today’s open. For the Econ Baro we’ve November’s Consumer Confidence.

27 November 2023 – 09:17 Central Euro Time

Both Gold and Silver are at present above today’s Neutral Zones: the white metal, (which has been lagging Gold’s performance), has provisionally flipped its weekly parabolic from Short to Long; confirmation should come at next Friday’s settle. The Spoo is at present below its Neutral Zone. And BEGOS Markets volatility is again moderate. The “textbook overbought” streak of the S&P itself is now through 13 sessions. The Gold Update (brief as planned) is price-bullish, especially given the yellow metal having recorded net gains for the six past Decembers. The Econ Baro starts a week of 12 incoming metrics with October’s New Home Sales.

The Gold Update: No. 732 – (25 November 2023) – “Basking Under Gold”

The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 732nd Edition — Cortona — 25 November 2023 (published each Saturday) — www.deMeadville.com

Basking Under Gold

Greetings from under the Tuscan sun.  Here in Cortona, recorded history dates all the way back to the Etruscans in the 8th century BC, (which for you WestPalmBeachers down there is some 2,900 years ago).  And in those days, Gold was employed in wire form toward implanting teeth as “dentures” from animals into those locals having lost same.  ‘Course, ‘twould not be until 1252 AD that Gold as an internationally-recognized currency would appear, namely as the fiorino (or Golden Florin), following which (dare we say) “the rest is history”.

As for the rest of this week’s edition of The Gold Update, as noted in the prior wrap ’twill be brief given our being in motion:  “… just straight to the point with a salient graphic or two along with our view…”  And what we’re viewing for Gold looks quite positive as we go to its weekly bars from one year ago-to-date:

Through Gold’s 47 trading weeks so far in 2023, yesterday’s (Friday’s) closing price of 2004 ranks as the year’s sixth-highest weekly settle.  However, the sticky area across the five better settles is the tight price range of 2016-2025.  Thus the Gold Short may smugly say:  “We’ve been here before, so there ain’t no more.”

Regardless, given Gold’s weekly trading range now being 53 points, ‘twouldn’t be untoward to find Gold reach 2057 within one week’s time.  Again, any weekly close above 2025 would be ample territory to then test the year’s 2085 high (04 May ’23), and further the All-Time 2089 High (07 August ’20):  the latter is just +4.2% above today’s 2004 level.

Moreover in looking toward next month, 26 of the past 48 Decembers have been net positive for Gold, including each of the last six:  +2.6%, +4.5%, +3.4%, +6.4%, +2.9% and +3.8% from 2017 through 2022 respectively.  Whilst Smart Alec might thus say “Down then”; our preference rather is “December’s trend is our friend.”

And toward closing, the Economic Barometer’s fallout suggests upside Gold will out should the Fed stew and pout:

So there we are ever so briefly — yet hopefully saliently — for this week.  Mind too your favourite Gold information at the website:  simple select “Gold” under the BEGOS Markets menu and all the price-leading information is there:  Gold’s Market Value, Trend, Profile, Magnet, Range, and the currently-highlighted Market Rhythm featuring the 12-hour parabolic study.  We’ll therefore see you in a week’s time with the usual graphics-rich end-of-month edition.  Until then:

Bask under your Gold!



and now on Twitter(“X”):  @deMeadvillePro

24 November 2023 – 08:35 Central Euro Time

The second day of the otherwise abbreviated trading session finds the Bond at present below its Neutral Zone; the rest of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is moderate. The Bond’s “Baby Blues” appear poised to begin their descent in the ensuing week; and by Market Values, the Bond in real-time is nearly +5 points above its smooth valuation line. As for the Spoo, ’tis +265 points above same, and the fut’s-adj’d live P/E of the S&P is 44.2x. We’ve early closures today across all the components and the Econ Baro is complete for the week.

22 November 2023 – 07:13 Central Euro Time

Just brief and early this morning, (our going into motion across the next few days): only Copper is at present outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; BEGOS Markets volatility is light. Yesterday’s S&P 500’s down move nonetheless maintains a “textbook overbought” rating for the Index, however now “moderate” rather than “extreme”; (such condition can take days, even weeks, to unravel). And metrics to close out the week for the Econ Baro include October’s Durable Orders. Happy T-Day to you StateSiders and fellow USAers ’round the globe.