11 June 2024 – 08:39 Central Euro Time

Gold, Silver and Oil are all at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility again is light. Leading our Market Rhythms for pure swing consistency on a 10-test basis are Silver’s 1hr Price Oscillator, the Spoo’s 8hr MACD, and Copper’s 30mn Price Oscillator; on a 24-test basis the leaders are the Spoo’s daily Parabolics, the Yen’s (not yet an official BEGOS Market) 30mn Moneyflow, and Silver’s 1hr MACD. The best correlation amongst the five primary BEGOS components continues to be positive between the Euro and Gold. The Econ Baro is again quiet today ahead of nine metrics due — including inflation measures at the retail, wholesale and ex/im levels — from Wednesday through Friday. The FOMC’s two-day meeting begins today with their Policy Statement and Powell presser due tomorrow.