17 March 2025 – 08:28 Central Euro Time

The Spoo is the sole BEGOS Market presently outside (below) its Neutral Zone for today; session volatility is light. The Gold Update celebrates its 800th consecutive Saturday edition, still wary of near-term price pullback even as the weekly parabolic trend remains firmly Long; vis-à-vis its smooth valuation line Gold is (in real-time) +123 points “high” (see Market Values). At Market Trends, only Oil and the Spoo are in negative linreg; specific to their cac volumes, that for Oil is moving from April into May whilst for the Spoo from March into June. ‘Tis a busy week for the Econ Baro (plus Wednesday’s FOMC Policy Statement); 16 metrics come due, those for today including March’s NY State Empire Index and that for NAHB Housing, plus February’s Retail Sales and January’s Business Inventories.