26 February 2025 – 08:40 Central Euro Time

The Bond and the EuroCurrencies are at present below their respective Neutral Zones for today; the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is moderate, save for Oil which has traced just 15% of its EDTR (see Market Ranges). For the S&P 500, similar to that from Monday, on Tuesday whilst the Index fell -0.5%, the Moneyflow was instead suggestive of a -1.6% fall, again indicative of further selling still to come (see our S&P Moneyflow page). The Spoo’s 21-day linreg trend confirmed rotating to negative, the “Baby Blues” of trend consistency now having moved below their 0% axis (see Market Trends); should the selling turn more substantive, we’d look in due course for the S&P 5400s. The Bond’s cac volume is rolling from March into June, whilst that for Silver from March into May. And the Econ Baro awaits January’s New Home Sales.