The Swiss Franc, Gold and Silver are all at present above their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below same, and volatility is light, (save for the non-BEGOS Yen which has traced 103% of its EDTR, which for the BEGOS components can be seen at Market Ranges). Correlations amongst the five primary BEGOS components have been messy of late with no notably directional pairings therein. Gold appears poised to set another All-Time High (above 2968) as the day unfolds: the high thus far this session is 2967. The S&P 500 is entering its 21st consecutive trading day as “textbook overbought”; the Spoo’s “Baby Blues” look to slip into negative territory within the next few sessions as the linreg trend rotates to negative, (barring a firm rally). And amongst the metrics due for the Econ Baro are February’s Philly Fed Index and January’s Leading (i.e. “lagging” given the Baro) Indicators.