As anticipated in yesterday’s comment given the StateSide election, overnight volatility in the BEGOS Markets was both thin and very volatile: the average EDTR (see Market ranges) tracing thus far across the eight BEGOS components is an extreme 216 points. The Spoo is the sole market above today’s Neutral Zone; the other seven components are below same. Were the S&P to open at this instant, ‘twould “instantly” gap to a record-high 5891, (the current all-time high being 5878). By Market Rhythms on a 10-test basis for pure swing consistency, our leaders (through yesterday’s session) are Oil’s 8hr Moneyflow, Silver’s 8hr Price Oscillator, and Copper’s 8hr Moneyflow, (a lot of commonality there for measuring on an 8hr time frame); for the 24-test basis, we still highlight the non-BEGOS Yen’s daily Price Oscillator, plus the Euro’s 15mn MACD. Nothing is due today for the Econ Baro. And the FOMC commences its two-day meeting, their Policy Statement scheduled for release tomorrow.