27 September 2024 – 08:17 Central Euro Time

The Swiss Franc plus all three elements of the Metals Triumvirate are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; none of the other BEGOS Markets are above same, and volatility is pushing toward moderate. Maintaining an eye on the Market Values (in real-time) of the five primary BEGOS components: the Bond is basically trading at its smooth valuation line, the Euro is nearly +0.01 points “high”, Gold +156 points “high”, Oil -6.03 points “low”, and the Spoo +246 points “high”. Per Market Profiles for those five, the most heavily-traded prices of the last fortnight are: the Bond 125^00, the Euro 1.1160, Gold 2607, Oil 71.30 and the Spoo 5778. The Econ Baro concludes the week with metrics including August’s Personal Income/Spending and the “Fed-favoured” inflation read via Core PCE Prices.