24 September 2024 – 08:10 Central Euro Time

Copper is the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) today’s Neutral Zone; however, overall volatility is pushing well toward moderate, and specific to the red metal, it already has traced 107% of its EDTR (see Market Ranges), plus (now 4.4145) price has moved up above its 10-day Market Profile, for which key volume-price supports therein are 4.3450 and 4.3000; too by Market Trends, Copper’s “Baby Blues” of trend consistency are smoothly rising. Looking at correlations amongst the five primary BEGOS components, the best currently is positive between Oil and the Spoo. The “live” P/E (futs-adj’d) of the S&P 500 is 42.2x. And today the week gets going for the Econ Baro with September’s Consumer Confidence.