19 September 2024 – 08:22 Central Euro Time

We were wrong about the Fed, it having cut its Funds Rates -50bp rather than by our -25bp assertion; and as is our wont, when we’re flat out wrong, we fess up; (more on the Fed in Saturday’s upcoming edition of The Gold Update). At present, the three elements of the Metals Triumvirate, plus Oil and the Spoo all are above their respective Neutral Zones for today; none of the other BEGOS Markets are below same, and volatility looks to be fully robust by session’s end. As to current correlation amongst the five primary BEGOS components, the most so is positive between Oil and the Spoo; (we view such correlations as important for hedging between two markets). The Econ Baro concludes its week today with metrics that include September’s Philly Fed Index, August’s Existing Home Sales and Leading (i.e. “lagging”) Indicators, plus Q2’s Current Account Deficit.