27 August 2024 – 08:13 Central Euro Time

Just as was the case ’round this time yesterday, Copper again is the only BEGOS Market currently outside (above) today’s Neutral Zone, with session volatility again light. The course of Market Trends throughout the Dollar’s recent decline has sported positive linregs for all the BEGOS Components, save for Oil: however, the latter’s”Baby Blues” of trend consistency are nudging up to the 0% axis such that in a day or two, all eight Markets may all be tilted to the upside, specific to the linreg metric. As well, by Market Values, four of the five primary BEGOS Components are above their respective smooth valuation line, with Oil just barely below same (-1.37 points with the EDTR by Market Ranges now 2.36 points). Too, Oil yesterday confirmed price having moved above its Market Magnet. For the Econ Baro today we’ve August’s Consumer Confidence.