07 August 2024 – 08:15 Central Euro Time

Both the Euro and Swiss Franc are at present below today’s Neutral Zones, whilst above same is the Spoo; BEGOS Market’s volatility is moderate-to-robust, the Swiss Franc notably already having traded 115% of its EDTR (see Market Ranges). For the S&P 500, just as monetary outflow was relatively “thin” during the three-day selloff, so yesterday too was it “thin” for the rally: mind the MoneyFlow page. Looking at Market Rhythms, the recent erratic movements have brought a bit less pure swing consistency to our 10-test basis studies; however on a 24-test basis we’ve five standouts at present: Silver’s 8hr Parabolics, Oil’s 15mn Price Oscillator, the Spoo’s daily Parabolics, Copper’s 2hr Parabolics, and the Yen’s (not yet formally a BEGOS component) daily Price Oscillator. For the Econ Baro late in the session we’ve June’s Consumer Credit.