29 August 2024 – 08:26 Central Euro Time

A reversal of what we saw ’round this time yesterday: now the Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold, Silver, Copper are all above today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and session volatility is light-to-moderate. Looking at Market Profiles, the most dominantly-traded prices (mildly rounded) across the past 10 trading days are as follows: Bond 124^08; Euro 1.1130; Swiss Franc 1.1770; Gold 2543; Silver 29.950; Copper 4.2300, Oil 73.20; Spoo 5636. As to Oil, by Market Trends the linreg still has not rotated from negative to positive; that measure for all the other BEGOS components is positive. Incoming metrics for the Econ Baro include July’s Pending Home Sales and notably the second peek at Q2 GDP: our sense is the latter shall be revised lower given the significant plummet of the Baro throughout the Q2 reporting period (May/June/July) coupled with the “surprise” (not to us) decline in July’s Leading (i.e. “lagging”) Indicators.