27 June 2024 – 08:37 Central Euro Time

The Euro is at present above today’s Neutral Zone, whereas the balance of the BEGOS Markets are within same; volatility is notably light, with 10 metrics incoming for the Econ Baro over the next two sessions. As “X’d” (@deMeadvillePro) yesterday, Gold’s weekly parabolic trend has provisionally flipped from Long to Short, setting up a test for the 2247-2171 structural support zone; (more on that in next Saturday’s 763rd edition of The Gold Update). The Bond yesterday crossed beneath its Market Magnet, whilst today its MACD has provisionally crossed to negative: we thus anticipate some degree of further Bond selling overing the ensuing days, (albeit Friday’s PCE data is the wild card). Reports today for the Econ Baro include May’s Durable Orders and Pending Home Sales, plus the final revision to Q1’s GDP.