26 June 2024 – 08:41 Central Euro Time

At present we’ve the Bond, Euro, Swiss Franc, and Gold all below their respective Neutral Zones for today; above same is Oil, and volatility is again light. Preferential Market Rhythms displaying the best swing consistency through yesterday are (on a 10-test basis) the Euro’s 15mn EMA, and (on a 24-test basis) both the Spoo’s daily Parabolics and 4hr Moneyflow. For the S&P 500 itself (now 12 consecutive trading days as “textbook overbought”), the futs-adj’d “live” P/E is 42.8x and yield 1.323%; the StateSide 3mo annualized T-Bill yield is 5.223%. Silver’s cac volume is rolling from July into that for September. And the Econ Baro looks to May’s New Home Sales.