25 September 2024 – 08:11 Central Euro Time

We’ve weakness this morning in Silver and Copper, both at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is light. As to Market Rhythms, our leaders for pure swing consistency are currently (on a 10-test basis) the Bond’s 12hr Parabolics, the Euro’s 15mn Moneyflow, and the 2hr MACD for both Silver and the Swiss Franc; too (on a 24-test basis) we’ve the Bond’s 15mn MACD, the Swiss Franc’s 6hr MACD, and the non-BEGOS Yen’s daily Price Oscillator. The S&P 500 is now six days “textbook overbought” and the futs-adj’d “live” P/E 42.4x. The Econ Baro awaits August’s New Home Sales.