24 July 2024 – 08:20 Central Euro Time

Gold is the sole BEGOS Market at present above its Neutral Zone for today, whilst below same is the Spoo; session volatility is moderate; (of note, the non-BEGOS Yen has traced 112% of its EDTR, which for our other components you can see at Market Ranges). The best current correlation amongst the five primary BEGOS Markets is positive between the Bond and Euro. Leading our Market Rhythms for pure swing consistency are (on a 10-test basis) still Gold’s 1hr Price Oscillator, and (on a 24-test basis) the Euro’s 2hr MACD. The Spoo gapped down -17.25 points at today’s open: that is (on a points basis) its largest opening down gap since 09 October of last year, following which over the ensuing few weeks price fell further by some -200 points. Thus far for the S&P 500, Q2 Earnings Season is running sub-par based on year-over-year bottom line improvement. The Econ Baro awaits June’s New Home Sales.