23 July 2024 – 08:38 Central Euro Time

At present all three elements of the BEGOS Markets’ Metals Triumvirate are below today’s Neutral Zones, as too is the Spoo; none of the other components are above same, and session volatility is again pushing toward moderate. Gold has moved below last week’s low, but the new parabolic Long trend is well out of daily range from being flipped to Short (that level now 2308 vs. present price of 2389); Gold’s best pure swing rhythm (10-test basis) through yesterday is its 1hr Price Oscillator; and by Market Trends, Gold’s linreg is positive as ’tis for every BEGOS Market, save for Copper and Oil; however, always mind therein those “Baby Blues” of trend consistency. The Econ Baro looks to June’s Existing Home Sales.