Ahead of the Fed, the BEGOS are expectantly quiet, all eight components at present within today’s Neutral Zones; volatility clearly is light. As has much of the FinWorld, we’ve moved our Fed guesstimate for today from +50bp (which was much the rage pre-banking ills) down to +25bp; for the Fed to do otherwise (no change or +50bp) would well set markets into a bit of a panic. At Market Trends, most of the components are in positive linear regression, the expectations being Oil and the Spoo (just barely). Indeed, the S&P’s extreme P/E aside (the “live” futs-adj’d reading now 46.9x), we continue to be impressed (albeit rather perplexed) at the differential between the S&P itself and its far more positive MoneyFlow: and indeed, the Flow being a leading indicator, the Index is holding up quite well in the face of banking illiquidity; indeed post-Fed into week’s end, higher S&P levels wouldn’t surprise us.