21 June 2024 – 08:10 Central Euro Time

Summer’s first full day begins as the week ends wherein we’ve the Euro as the sole BEGOS Market at present outside (above) today’s Neutral Zone; volatility is quite light. Gold has relinquished its positive correlation with the Spoo and is now better teamed with Oil, both exhibiting uptrends these last couple of weeks, albeit Gold’s weekly technicals continue to suggest lower levels near-term: more on that in tomorrow’s Gold Update (No. 762); regardless, both Gold and Silver have broken above their respective weekly highs of the prior week, (even as by Market Trends their linregs remain negative). The Econ Baro, which has taken a terrific hit this week (indeed across the past two months), looks to May’s Existing Home Sales and Leading (i.e. “lagging”) Indicators, the latter potentially quite negative given the dive in the Baro itself.