Given the StateSide holiday, the BEGOS Markets enter a two-day session for Tuesday settlement with at present the Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold and Silver all above their respective Neutral Zones; none of the other four components are below same, and volatility is mostly moderate. The Gold Update highlights price having come just four points away from flipping its weekly parabolic trend from Short-to-Long: the hurdle price to so do this week is 2759 and today’s high already is 2955; we thus expect the provisional flip to Long. The Bond’s “Baby Blues” of trend consistency (see Market Trends) confirmed moving above the key -80% axis, so higher price levels ought be in the offing near-term. Similarly for Oil, we’re watching for its “Baby Blues” to break below the +80% axis from which we’d anticipate lower prices. ‘Tis a very light week for th Econ Baro with just four metrics due commencing on Wednesday; thus Q4 Earnings Season shall get the fundamental hat-tip: thus far ’tis been excellent for the S&P 500 given that 20 of the 23 companies having reported have beaten their bottom lines of a year ago; problematic of course is the “live” P/E remaining dangerously high (in futs-adj’d real-time) at 47.1x.