19 July 2024 – 08:11 Central Euro Time

The Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold and Silver are at present all below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is moderate. Gold (2426) is well-off the fresh All-Time High of 2488 established on Wednesday, but ’tis not negative enough to preclude the weekly parabolic trend having provisionally flipped from Short to Long; (more of course in tomorrow’s 766th edition of The Gold Update); by Market Profiles, Gold’s key underlying trading support levels are 2414, 2387 and 2367; still by Market Values, Gold is (in real-time) +43 points above its smooth valuation line. Early on in Q2 Earnings Season, of the 45 S&P 500 constituents having thus far reported, whilst 91% having beaten estimates, only 67% have actually improved their year-over-year quarterly results; the fut’s-adj’d “live” P/E of the S&P is 41.5x.