18 September 2024 – 08:21 Central Euro Time

We’ve at present the Swiss Franc above today’s Neutral Zone whilst below same are Silver and Copper; BEGOS Markets’ volatility is mostly light. Looking at Market Rhythms for pure swing consistency, there are four to currently highlight on a 10-test basis: Oil’s 2hr Price Oscillator, Silver’s 4hr Parabolics, the Bond’s 12hr Parabolics, and Gold’s 1hr MACD; for the 24-test basis, the one standout is the non-BEGOS Yen’s daily Price Oscillator. For the Econ Baro we await August’s Housing Start/Permits. And ’tis “Fed Day”, the FOMC releasing its Policy Statement at 18:00 GMT: our assertion is a -25bp FedFunds cut from the present 5.25%-5.50% target range to 5.00%-5.25%; similarly priced in for that now are the October FedFundsFutures.