Into the session’s second day, as expected the BEGOS Markets have increased their range traveled: at present below their Neutral Zones are the Bond, Euro, Swiss Franc and Copper, whilst above same are Gold, Silver, Oil and the Spoo, with overall volatility firmly moderate, leaning toward robust as the day develops. Were the S&P 500 to open at this instant, ‘twould be at an all-time high of 6140 (vs. the actual-to-date of 6128). Going ’round the Market Values horn for the five primary BEGOS components (in real-time), we show both the Bond and Euro as nearly on their smooth valuation lines, Gold as +185 points “high” above same, Oil -4.35 points “low” and the Spoo as +94 points “high”. With Gold at 2925, the volume-dominant overhead Market Profile resistors are 2931 and 2944. The Econ Baro awaits February’s NY Empire State and NAHB Housing Indices.