A day ahead of the Fed, the Econ Baro has of late gone into a skid; to the extent the Fed reacts to fresh data is doubtful such that they likely stand pat as their stance of late is “there is no race to lower rates”. For today at present we’ve Gold, Silver and Oil above today’s Neutral Zones, the balance of the BEGOS Markets being within same, and session volatility is again light. Oil’s Market Magnet yesterday confirmed upside penetration by price such that we expect higher levels near-term, albeit there are various structural resistors from 69-73. Too, Oil’s “Baby Blues” (see Market Trends) continue to modestly climb from having been below their-80% axis, so that, too, lends some bullishness to the picture. The 2-day S&P rally has not been kept pace with by the Moneyflow, although the Index remains now 15 days “textbook overbought”; rhus once that unwinds, we may see the next spillover. More February metrics hit the Econ Baro today, specifically Housing Starts/Permits, Ex/Im Prices, and IndProd/CapUtil.