17 July 2024 – 08:31 Central Euro Time

Both Silver and the Spoo are at present below today’s Neutral Zones; the balance of he BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is moderate. Yesterday the S&P 500 completed a 26th consecutive trading day as “textbook overbought”; the “live” (futs-adj’d) P/E is 43.3x. Oil’s cac volume is rolling from August into that for September; so-called “Black Gold” has been in a comparably narrow trading range year-to-date, regularly spanning from the 70s to the low 80s; Oil’s best pure swing rhythm for consistency on a 24-test basis (dating from 25 April through yesterday) is its 2hr Price Oscillator. For the Econ Baro we’ve June’s Housing Starts/Permits and IndProd/CapUtil.