15 July 2024 – 08:25 Central Euro Time

At present we’ve the Bond, Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold and Copper all below today’s Neutral Zones; the other BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is pushing toward moderate. The Gold Update takes a more positive near-term stance on the yellow metal without the 2247-2171 structural support zone having (at least yet) been tested, albeit both the weekly Parabolics and MACD have begun this new week still downside positioned. The Spoo by Market Values is (in real-time) +180 points above its smooth valuation line: ’tis been on that side of the ledger from 06 May-to-date, the S&P 500 itself now 24 consecutive trading days “textbook overbought” at a level we deem “extreme” given the daily positionings of the Bollinger Bands, RSI, and Stochastics. The Econ Baro’s busy week of 14 incoming metrics starts today with July’s NY State Empire Index.