April Gold topped 3000 last evening; spot (currently at a 12-point discount to the futures) has not quite yet made the trip; we’ve expected more of a price pullback which still can materialize; more on it all it tomorrow’s 800th consecutive Saturday edition of The Gold Update. At present, both the Euro and Swiss Franc are below today’s Neutral Zones; the other six BEGOS Markets are within same, and volatility is light. Cac volume in the EuroCurrencies is rolling from March into that for June; come Monday shall be the same for the Spoo. The FinMedia are all aghast that the S&P 500 has just “has entered a correction”, meaning we expect it to now rebound; by deMeadville’s Market Values, the “correction” began three weeks ago (21 February). The Econ Baro wraps its week with March’s UofM Sentiment Survey.