05 July 2024 – 08:32 Central Euro Time

The two-day BEGOS Market’s stint continues. At present we’ve the Euro, Swiss Franc, Gold and Copper above their respective Neutral Zones for the session; none of the other BEGOS components are below same, and volatility (given two days of movement) is moderate-to-robust, both the Swiss Franc and Copper having traced in excess of 100% of their EDTRs (see Market Ranges). Gold has regained firmness this week, albeit not enough to change the more near-term negative nature of the weekly technicals; (more on that in tomorrow’s 764th consecutive edition of The Gold Update). The Spoo is up such that the S&P 500 would (at this moment) open at an all-time high of 5540. And the Econ Baro concludes its down week with June’s Payrolls data.