04 July 2024 – 08:16 Central Euro Time

Given the StateSide holiday, the BEGOS Markets are in a two-day session (for Friday Settle) with the Swiss Franc at present above its Neutral Zone whilst Silver is below same; not surprisingly, volatility is light, the Spoo having thus far just traced 13% of its EDTR (see Market Ranges). Looking at Market Rhythms on a purely swing basis, our 10-test group for most consistency is currently the Euro’s 2hr MACD, Oil’s 60mn Parabolics, and Silver’s 15mn Moneyflow; for the 24-test group, we’ve two for the Spoo by its 4hr Moneyflow and daily Parabolics. With the S&P 500 at an all-time closing high (5537), its futs-adj’d “live” P/E is now 43.3x. Tomorrow is a full trading day for US equities, preceded for the “free-fall” Econ Baro by June’s Payrolls data.