01 August 2024 – 08:31 Central Euro Time

Gold by its “continuous front month” cac has reached 2500 to an All-Time High so far in this session of 2503: again this incorporates the robust additional premium per the rollover from the August cac to that for December, (for which 2538 would become a “true” ATH). Meanwhile at present, we’ve the Bond below its Neutral Zone for today whilst above same is the Spoo; BEGOS Markets’ session volatility is moderate. By Market Ranges, the Spoo’s EDTR is 80 points, its highest reading in better than a year. Post-Fed, the “live” P/E of the S&P has moved back above 40x. And today’s Econ Baro incoming metrics include July’s ISM(Mfg) Index, June’s Construction Spending, and the initial read of Q2’s Productivity and Unit Labor Costs.